Example sentences of "goes ahead " in BNC.

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1 The Government 's infamous £12 billion road-building programme will , if it goes ahead ( and it may not following the intervention of the European Commission ) , gobble up SSSIs .
2 33m pounds buyout of FIG goes ahead
3 It intends to switch the boats to other routes if the bridge goes ahead .
4 The disclosure comes as Rolls-Royce , one of four blue-chip companies selected for strike ballots at key sites in two weeks , said there would be lay-offs and redundancies among its 37,000 workforce if action goes ahead .
5 An opinion poll conducted by MORI for the Labour Party shows that 12 per cent of Conservative voters would be fairly or very likely to switch parties if the Government goes ahead with its plans , Mr Cook said .
6 There is scant support for a project that , if it goes ahead , can not fail to leave its mark on a remarkable stretch of untamed countryside .
7 EC goes ahead on currency continued from page one control ministers and central bankers .
8 Tennis £4 million cup goes ahead .
9 IF THE Hongkong and Shanghai Bank goes ahead with a takeover of Midland Bank , it may have to replace the pair of bronze lions that grace the entrance to its headquarters with a more appropriate symbol — such as a couple of ducks .
10 If Germany goes ahead , it will grow even nastier .
11 If a deal goes ahead , the debtor gets more money , or owes less debt ; it can pay back more of every remaining unit of debt than before the deal .
12 They saw him also as a trail-blazer , someone who goes ahead of others and prepares the way .
13 For Dr Richard Gill , senior executive in the Pharmaceuticals Division at the British Technology Group , which helps industry seek out and develop new technology originating in universities and institutes , the decision on whether a project goes ahead rests in part on animal welfare issues .
14 The club 's game at Barnet goes ahead with player Phil Chard in temporary charge .
15 Both share stakes are expected to be put up for sale over the next few months if the Hafnia merger goes ahead , and could allow a large French company to buy a key stake in the Nordic market .
16 But should the UK fail to deflect the Commission and the Directive goes ahead , then its impact could be considerable .
17 Some surveyors , in order to escape their liabilities or at least to reduce them , do their utmost to dissuade the purchaser from buying the property — and if the sale goes ahead in spite of an adverse report , they have avoided liability by having blackened the property .
18 Basically these problems attend many surgical operations , and the question resolves itself into whether the transsexual should be allowed to consent ; whether , in other words , the state has an interest in striking out such consent , and thereby rendering the surgeon who goes ahead liable in tort , on the ground that he can not rely on such consent .
19 Outside National Parks and SSSIs prior approval is not required before a farmer goes ahead and implements a capital scheme for which grant is claimed after completion .
20 If their assessment of the scientist 's standing and contribution to his discipline is favourable , the project goes ahead .
21 Under the new Mental Health Act , passed last year , a patient who objects to treatment is now guaranteed a second opinion — but treatment still goes ahead if both doctors agree .
22 If the alarm gets no response , the timer goes ahead and switches off in the interest of safety and economy .
23 I am a veritable doubting Thomas about the industry 's claim that if Sizewell B goes ahead , there will be significant benefits in the long term from an increase in the British share of the world market for PWR related products and services .
24 Their trip , if it goes ahead , could eventually transform the lazy economies of Tonga and the Solomon Islands , threaten the future of the grey whale , and dramatically increase the world 's known oil supplies .
25 If this goes ahead it could herald the coming of even larger developments , such as theme parks , zoos and safari parks , where permanent buildings do not have to be erected .
26 Looking down at her , he said abruptly : ‘ If the Robarts legal action goes ahead I 'll need money .
27 ‘ If it goes ahead , it does so without our permission . ’
28 IF Norman Lamont goes ahead with a tax on food he will be signing his own death sentence .
29 Yet if the crackdown on the Press which is being demanded goes ahead , journalists would be working with both hands tied behind their backs — as opposed to the one-hand handicap they are forced to suffer at the moment .
30 Backbencher Peter Mandelson , Labour MP for Hartlepool , said last night : ‘ There will be a furious outcry if this financial gerrymandering to help flagging Tory support in the South goes ahead . ’
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