Example sentences of "clearly see " in BNC.

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1 After a few hours ' walking along the ridge we could clearly see Koitobos , one of the peaks surrounding the crater rim — a long , flat-topped buttress with a steep cone at one end , composed of large , dark brown , vertical columns .
2 Although many of the massage techniques in this illustrated guide are for two people to practise on each other , as you can clearly see from the simple techniques over the page , massage is something that you can successfully achieve alone .
3 I could so clearly see her coming between you and me , between us and our poetry , and I felt furiously jealous and unhappy but tried not to show it .
4 I should think that all of us have had the unfortunate experience at some time or other of sitting on a plastic interlocking chair in a draughty hall listening to some old wind bag droning on endlessly to screens of projected OHP transparencies that no one can clearly see .
5 In C. S. Lewis ' quest for joy , we can clearly see that the void left by his mother 's death was never replaced in his childhood , nor indeed perhaps ever in his whole life .
6 An even better view of it is a later reward at the summit of Carn Dearg , when you can clearly see the sharp high gully that slices Ben Alder in two , with a remarkably large high-level loch nestling between the summit and the top of Beinn Bheoil .
7 He showed me one , magnifying 520 times , made of yttrium-aluminium-garnet , an artificial gemstone , mounted against a microscope slide , through which I could clearly see the tadpole-shaped trypanosomes that cause sleeping sickness .
8 The Bushman was following it , but suddenly he swerved aside and he went off in another direction and I followed him , although I could clearly see the buffalo hoofmarks leading off in the opposite way .
9 The mirror can be useful in checking whether one child is taller than another in such a way that both can clearly see the difference .
10 After a while we appeared to stop accelerating in this nose-high stance — and of course we could no longer clearly see where we were going , so I eased the yoke forward to lift us onto the step .
11 But when an idea or the picture is false , we are more conscious of it as a separate thing , for we can clearly see it as a preconception or a prejudice .
12 If you glance inside the average modern book you will clearly see the mull or tape strips under this paste-down ( as compared with the free endpaper ) .
13 To cap all I suffered a physical hallucination as I staggered up the road beyond the inlet of Enard Bay : I could clearly see a row of cottages at the top of the hill but when I got there , they had vanished .
14 At the centre one can clearly see the bulge of the Milky Way extending above and below the flat disk of the Milky Way , which is reddened by galactic dust in the same way that sunsets are reddened by dust in the atmosphere .
15 Instead we can clearly see a growth from 1989–94 , a slight fall from the peak in 1993 and a substantial fall in 1994 .
16 He could clearly see the outline of one side of her body through the cotton nightdress she wore , her nipples dark spots against the pale cloth .
17 Now there are still traces of ink on the surface but now you can much more clearly see the etch lines because they 're full of now .
18 Behind the weathering , however , one can clearly see that it is a work of primitive technique , simply , even crudely , shaped from the shallow rectangular block .
19 With a screech , the car began to slow as the brakes were applied , and Richmann could clearly see the startled faces of the occupants as it slewed to a halt only a few feet ahead .
20 He could quite clearly see through it to the crushed grass on which it lay but , when he gingerly touched a scale that was a mere golden sheen on thin air , it felt solid enough .
21 But the process was one in which Britain has played a leading role , and the result is one in which we can clearly see the imprint of our views .
22 And I think this one is better for several reasons , I think you can quite clearly see now once you 've had a chance to look at this , the other one we saw , we , we eliminated this boat , we eliminate that post and this boat , or rather we just have this post and the sea beyond .
23 He could n't clearly see the buildings or tell how things had changed since he was last in London .
24 It did n't move but Thomas could clearly see what she was pointing at .
25 Yeah , exactly , so if , if you look at it in terms of the Kipsigy you know system , you can clearly see that what they showed was youth and plumpness were the critical fac an an and attractiveness , if the girl was young , plump and attractive she got a high and if the girl was older erm , if she had something wrong with her or she was skinny , then the less and that 's , so it 's quite interesting
26 I was watching Sky replays of the incident over tea and snickers at half time , and heard the pundits blathering about a handball by Rod Wallace which they could clearly see happening , but I could n't .
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