Example sentences of "give rise " in BNC.

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1 The CTP requires , therefore , that transient events triggering transient events should give rise the idea of ( permanent ) objects as well as that of transient events within them .
2 It raised the more general and important question whether the determination of a statutory tribunal with a limited jurisdiction could give rise to issue estoppel at all , or only to cause of action estoppel ; in other words , whether it could give rise to an estoppel for all purposes or only for the limited purpose for which the jurisdiction to make the determination was conferred .
3 It raised the more general and important question whether the determination of a statutory tribunal with a limited jurisdiction could give rise to issue estoppel at all , or only to cause of action estoppel ; in other words , whether it could give rise to an estoppel for all purposes or only for the limited purpose for which the jurisdiction to make the determination was conferred .
4 ‘ An intestinal infection is of no significance whatsoever in the field of public health because such infection will not give rise to any problems to public health , ’ he told Lord Justice Parker and Mr Tudor Evans during a judicial review of the Ministry 's order to slaughter the chickens .
5 A band could sign a recording contract , or receive income from live performances or session fees ( the receipt of prize money from a talent contest is tax free and does not give rise to taxable income unless this occurs on a regular basis ) .
6 Most of the expenditure was outside the dollar area , and did not give rise to immediate dollar payments .
7 The reformers ' ideal was a world ordered by intellectual logic ( which would give rise to fully blown scholasticism ) , by law and jurisdiction , by a centre at Rome .
8 Heredity requires that different types should exist , say A's and B's , and that like should beget like — A's should give rise to A's and B's to B's .
9 It is these cells which will later give rise , by further cell division , to eggs or sperm .
10 But within these categories , each cell has a wide range of potentialities : we have already seen that an ectodermal cell can give rise to skin or , if induced by the eye cup , to lens .
11 Mr Smith said he feared that opt-out schools could give rise to a two-tier education system .
12 This may lay extra stress upon him , and should give rise to considerations of how much stress may be alleviated .
13 Responses to these questions will be varied , and each will give rise to a number of subsidiary questions .
14 The need for a saturated atmosphere may give rise to a particular abundance of these Atlantic bryophytes on NE- and E-facing slopes ( Ratcliffe 1968 ) , as noted above for Herbertus aduncus .
15 The resulting bloom would then allow abnormally high numbers of planktonic starfish larvae to survive ; which in turn would give rise to a huge population of predatory adults .
16 Marx saw them as promoting the bourgeois state , which was an advance on feudalism and which , in turn , would give rise to the proletarian state .
17 Such foetal abnormalities can give rise to a wide range of handicaps , both mild and severe , physical and mental .
18 This may give rise to some of the conditions described above .
19 It is difficult to identify the personality that might give rise to this energetic emotional life , so full of fears and petty triumphs ; it is a kind of vainglorious fool , a miles gloriosus .
20 While this may be a means of sharing responsibilities and caring , it may also give rise to tensions in overcrowded households .
21 It was inevitable that the shift of leadership from the PLO outside to UNLU should give rise to thoughts of a split in Palestinian ranks , between the ‘ inside ’ and ‘ outside ’ .
22 Occasionally the fungus can ensconce itself in the terminal portion of the urethra , and it may then give rise to symptoms similar to those found in non-specific urethritis .
23 However , even after excluding these infective causes and any anatomical reasons ( it has been suggested , for instance , that a ‘ pouting ’ urethral meatus in women can give rise to recurrent urethral symptoms , and a urethral caruncle , a tiny button of sensitive flesh at the urethral opening , can certainly cause a similar discomfort ) , there remain a few women for whom no predisposing factor can be elicited .
24 When oedema of the male genitalia occurs , it may give rise to the intriguingly-named ‘ saxophone penis ’ .
25 There is no associated enlargement of lymph nodes , but small nodules under the surface of the shin in the groin may give rise to a ‘ pseudo-bubo ’ .
26 Cultural transmission is analogous to genetic transmission in that , although basically conservative , it can give rise to a form of evolution .
27 Because the insulating characteristics of timber-frame houses are so good they do give rise to the problem known as ‘ interstitial condensation ’ , as was revealed in the television documentary .
28 He , however , rightly concluded that the Convention does not give rise to any enforceable rights under English law , but only a direct right in relation to the procedures established by the Convention .
29 If consent makes a touching lawful , then it must follow that if a patient withholds consent , if he refuses to be touched by a doctor , any further touching will be unlawful , and will give rise to civil and criminal liability .
30 It is remarkable that a cell as overtly dull and structureless as the fertilized egg can give rise to such varied and complex forms .
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