Example sentences of "give advice " in BNC.

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1 They have a working knowledge of contract law and other legal areas which affect musicians , such as noise levels and music licences , so that they can give advice on anything and everything that affects musicians .
2 Campus Health Centres will give advice on prescription and dental charges .
3 The Chest , Heart and Stroke Association ( address on page 145 ) has counsellors who can give advice both to the patients and to the person caring for them .
4 Social workers can give advice on financial help and may arrange for a Home Help to visit .
5 In such situations an ES can give advice based on knowledge acquired from experts in different domains or who have experienced that particular type of failure .
6 Elderly people and their families who wish to ‘ go it alone , so far as obtaining outside help is concerned are , of course , quite at liberty to do so , and four of the large organisations who can give advice on a great variety of problems are :
7 ‘ I was hoping he could give advice on how women could and should react after they had been attacked . ’
8 She will give advice compassionately , well aware that it will not always be heeded .
9 Having created confusion , they can then give advice in order to control the sale .
10 He will give advice on diet and exercise .
11 This event will also give advice about equipment , routes and safety and will involve trying out new skills on a cycle orienteering course .
12 There were also new rules for the periti , who henceforth might give advice only when asked .
13 On the practical side all members are offered a free portfolio consultation with a professional consultant who will give advice on your strong and weak points as well as make suggestions about the most suitable clients and agents to approach for your particular type of work .
14 Alistair Sampson ( former President of the BADA and an correspondent on antiques ) will discuss English pottery ; Marina Vaizey ( editor of the NACF magazine ) will lecture on cataloguing and building a collection of paintings , works on paper and prints ; Derek Shrub ( lecturer in Fine and Decorative Arts ) will give advice on selecting and restoring English furniture ; and Ian Pickford ( broadcaster , lecturer and writer ) discusses caring for and collecting silver .
15 Some of the larger local authorities , as we have seen , are now appointing specialist advisers to the chief executive 's office , or even to the leader of the council , who can give advice divorced from the service-providing departments , but such posts are few and regarded with some suspicion by mainstream local government officers .
16 Gabbitas , Truman & Thring will give advice , and they also publish a helpful guide to colleges .
17 The Society has available hundreds of recipes suitable for use by vegetarians and will give advice and information to individuals or groups and will provide training to caterers who wish to offer vegetarian menus in their restaurants .
18 The dietician will give advice so that each individual is given adequate nourishment .
19 a doctor who will give advice and treatment and may refer you to a specialist drug-abuse centre for help ;
20 Liking Julia as he did , admiring her stringent intelligence , her honesty , the unexpected humility that would never let her give advice unless she was asked for it , and her unfailing reasonableness , it had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her .
21 The centre can also give advice on benefits , which is obviously really important when you 've just lost your job .
22 The building control officer will usually give advice in this area and careful layout and design can usually maximise site usage .
23 As such they will normally give advice to individual councillors and parties , as well as the full council and committees .
24 It is important , therefore , that there should be a committee , with consumer representatives on it , that can give advice to , and be consulted by , the Government .
25 The Scottish Transport Group will give advice about which body it should go to .
26 The benefits offered by the AA are not as substantial as they may , at first sight , appear since the free legal representation scheme may be withheld altogether at the discretion of the Association ; the AA will not negotiate in respect of the defence of claims made against members ; the AA can not give advice or act where the Association or any of its subsidiary companies may be involved .
27 Well we had er , we took out all the gear for that , so I knew a lot , being a crane driver I 'd know what gear I wanted but a lot of these stevedores what are on there now , they were lorry drivers and they ai n't got a clue what they do , so there part of my job meant I 'd go round and give advice .
28 Notwithstanding , the firm has backed all the way , and has continued to work for Bell Lawrie , even if he can not give advice to clients .
29 Companies seem happy to talk to him and he can still give advice internally .
30 The Home Secretary has told the Commission that he can not give advice on the matter .
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