Example sentences of "does tend " in BNC.

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1 This is alright but it does tend to bunch up a lot when it 's pulled in close to the face .
2 The detailed record does tend to suggest that Eden was not the consistent anti-appeaser which he claimed to be .
3 Sport does tend to thrust the begging bowl at politicians , when it would be better employed preparing an unanswerable case for substantial state aid .
4 The Weber does tend to slightly strangle the power under full load , but does return better mpg figures in general use and is a good investment .
5 The Land Rover does tend to wander on 6.00 x 16 crossplies .
6 The figure does tend to confirm my contention that the general order of magnitude is about right .
7 One distinct advantage of metformin over the sulphonylureas in obese Type 2 patients is that it does tend to suppress appetite and certainly therapy is usually associated with weight loss ( Taylor et al , 1982 ) .
8 It 's nice a wee taste of haggis now and again , not that you 'd want to eat it too often , it does tend to come back on you a wee bit , does n't it ?
9 There is also the hereditary factor and cellulite does tend to run in families , so you may have your mother to thank for passing it on to you !
10 Larry adds that his optimum rig would be two 4x10s , and listening to the tens perform under an extreme load does tend to qualify his argument .
11 Gain-up does tend to make the picture look rather grainy , though , so it is best to look on it as a last resort and reserve it for those times when a grainy picture is better than no picture at all .
12 But the range does tend to be very crowded .
13 It is nor particularly heavy on the controls , but it does tend to fishtail at bit , due to the massive engine up-front and a relatively small fin and rudder at the rear .
14 But something that does tend to confuse people , is how the program decides what is to be colour number 1 , colour 2 , colour 3 and so on .
15 His land is crossed by the most popular route up Ben More and so this farmer does tend to suffer more than usual from disruptive behaviour from dogs .
16 The fabric does tend to flop down though , which restricts space .
17 The trouble with writing about a still-extant commercial enterprise is that the text does tend to the rather uncritical and the whole thing can end up like an extended press release .
18 Monodactylus sebae is an effortless swimmer but it does tend to panic when it is frightened .
19 The pH does tend to drop over a period of time in bare tanks ( that is tanks without any substrate or plants .
20 Anecdotal evidence does tend to support the view that owners exercise control but these instances are anything but the basis for generalizable statements across fields and decades .
21 There has been a fairly consistent finding in such studies that this does tend to be the case .
22 Well I 'm , yeah , ern I wondered about sort of Executive Committee and er , I know you 're not very keen on that idea and it , it does tend to remove information from the ordinary members , if , if , you have a small group of people dealing with the business and , a , a separate lead .
23 Labour in Japan does tend to work for fewer employers over a typical career and does therefore tend to stay longer in each firm than in the West , but there are very significant variations depending on age , firm size and gender .
24 However , one aspect of the making that does tend to give prospective rocking horse makers the most apprehension is the carving of the head .
25 Where as a functional group might be , for example , a no age group which does tend to dictate the properties of that compound .
26 Erm the fact it 's now burning Australian coal does tend to undermine the arguments er but nevertheless it does have a good rail connection down to the coast , the p ports on the south coast where it can , can er take the stuff in from the er from the ports .
27 In many ways that does tend to be a common occurrence on new shows when nobody has yet seen the type of programme the Producer and Story Editor have in mind . ’
28 An uneven geographical distribution is also characteristic of tourism , one of the few industries that does tend to be found in the remoter rural areas ( see chapter 9 below ) .
29 He certainly does tend to separate new techniques and technologies out from the total matrix of forces playing on production and reproduction , and to exaggerate their as it were naked power ; and he does underestimate the capacity of the capitalist media industries to channel the use made of them to suit their own interests , nullifying radical potential .
30 What happens is that although it does tend to decay it builds a crust on the outside that stops it eroding .
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