Example sentences of "question of [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Mostly the waiter would go along with this , sensing that Oliver was one of those customers who did not , for all their enquiries , actually want any advice , and it was just a question of slowly reeling him in like a fish .
2 What animated the screenplay was the question of exactly how other members of Lilian 's family , past and present , had escaped similar restraint .
3 However , as the wheels within wheels of the music industry continue to grind , the question of exactly what is an independent company comes into focus .
4 In this paper we have outlined two lines of research that address the question of exactly how the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of ) the context for interpreting the current sentence .
5 Leaving aside the vexed question of exactly how much money the government is going to spend , there is heated argument about its approach .
6 We are , though , left with the question of exactly which orchestra we have had the pleasure of listening to : while the back cover of the jewel case states that both works have been played by the Canadians under Barshai , the inner notes suggest ( unbelievably ) that one of them may have been performed by the Bournemouth Sinfonietta under Norman Del Mar !
7 This raises the question of exactly what kinds of experience are likely to be most helpful to a child who is experiencing difficulties with language and communication .
8 Later , in Parts II and III of this book , I will show how this analysis illuminates the debate between holists and individualists and the question of exactly how their positions are to be distinguished .
9 It also provides the context in which to consider both the claim that for the later Foucault knowledge is absolutely determined , leaving him in the impossible situation of requiring something outside this for any prospect of critique , as well as the question of exactly how power and resistance are interdependent and to what extent they are separable .
10 The question of exactly what linguistic features the left hemisphere is specialised to detect has been pursued vigorously .
11 The question of exactly which left handers have speech located on one side of the brain or the other and which of them have speech represented bilaterally can not yet be answered unequivocally .
12 I mean it 's cos it 's not of course as we know , it 's not a secret that he has one , it 's just a question of exactly what it is , it 's the
13 The question of exactly what Ishii had offered — or threatened — in order to achieve this end remained unclear .
14 The script gave one a hint of what they were all about , but after that it was a question of backwards and forwards passing of sketches , ideas on backs of envelopes , bits of paper until ultimately we came down to this pepper-pot shape which Ray then had to translate into something which could be manipulated and made to work — which he did brilliantly .
15 However , we do not propose even to consider any question of either restraining or promoting such developments , at least from this point of-view .
16 This was not a question of either niceness or laziness .
17 Last night a spokesman for Scottish Enterprise denied there was any question of either its or LiS 's abusing power and insisted that they were not actively marketing Rosyth and it had been the market that has sought out the opportunities .
18 Flame in the Streets approaches the question of both individual and ( working-class ) collective responsibility , and the struggle against racism .
19 The report — which has taken more than a year to prepare in one of the most complex inquiries undertaken by Sir Anthony 's office — will address the question of when the department first became negligent if it is shown to have been aware of the possible difficulties .
20 But the question of when rebellion or revolt is justified needs an answer .
21 But then he exploded into life again and it was simply a question of when Carr would go down .
22 As with the centesimal system the time will depend on the acuteness of the symptoms , the chronicity of the complaint and the vitality of the patient but there has always been the question of when to repeat the remedy if the response is insufficient having regard to the severity of the symptoms .
23 This obviously begs the question of when a duty exists .
24 CALLAHAN : But there was always a question of when and if .
25 We spoke about getting together , but it 's the same old problem — like with Brendan , it 's just a question of when .
26 I believe he 'll get them , and — Hirst take note — it 's a question of when , not if , Francis wins his first trophy .
27 ‘ There 's no doubt in my mind it will happen — it 's just a question of when . ’
28 It will review the question of when agency status for the Prison Service might be appropriate as the changes set out in this White Paper are introduced .
29 It is a construct to answer the question of when risk passes .
30 The answer to the question of when children become aware of language is far from straightforward .
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