Example sentences of "and pray " in BNC.

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1 So Bedford must make the most of limited resources — and pray .
2 ‘ I hope and pray that the decision to give me the Nobel Peace Prize will encourage all those who pursue the cause of peace to do so in a renewed spirit of optimism and strength . ’
3 It is women who have to go alone ; whose lovers do not have the patience to wait at home and pray for them .
4 We have to try to work as best we can and pray . ’
5 To know that , if the disease does strike their children , they can do very little but wait , hope and pray .
6 ‘ God , Nurse , ’ Ted exclaimed virtuously , ‘ There 's nothing for a hot-blooded sinner like me to do when he sees you coming , except close his eyes and pray for continence . ’
7 He believes that the houses can survive next year only if they start making their own videotapes of performances , make a habit of exchanging productions among the 13 houses and pray for the arrival of pay-television in Italy .
8 The individual Jew must make his own pact with the Almighty , and pray directly to Him , not through an agent .
9 I was glad the well had been Christianized , as Michael Quirke himself could scarcely go on his knees and pray to the rascally old gods he so admired .
10 And pray for those who lost their lives
11 Together they would often walk and talk , read and pray .
12 We could hardly get inside for rubbish and could n't see the floor , it was all dirt , and there used to be two or three benches on which we had to sit down ; then old Morgan would read the Bible to us and pray , we had to kneel down — oh what a dry lesson .
13 I would scuttle back , shaking with cold to read the Bible and pray .
14 I goes ‘ Annemarie I hope and trust and pray you are not going to put that down on the paper .
15 The scientists and engineers-on site were asked to line the runway and pray .
16 We should give thanks for their work and pray for them .
17 I hope and pray that you will win — God willing , you will because you have all the ability in the world — but I have discovered over the last few days that there are people prepared to go to great lengths to stop you .
18 If it does , I hope and pray that they will stop there and leave you alone , at least for the time being .
19 While no longer under oath to abide by the rules and pray every day for their benefactor , the present tenants no doubt are thankful for their rent and rate-free accommodation , their free central heating and laundry and , though the gentlemen no longer receive a new suit every two years nor the ladies a new frock , they do receive a visit from the wardens and the clerk at Christmas bearing a small monetary gift .
20 Bishop David has now asked parishes to investigate the local problem , offer practical friendship and support , lobby the legislators — and pray for a just , compassionate solution .
21 Who will come at 9.45 and pray ?
22 But perhaps the single most important element in such groups is to support , encourage and pray for one another .
23 When you 've organised and publicised , all you can do is wait and pray !
24 Ratso gets Buck an introduction to a man ( John McGiver ) who is supposed to put him in touch with some rich ladies , but he begs Buck to get down on his knees and pray with him under a kitschy lit-up Jesus on the bathroom door of his hotel room .
25 I quicken my steps and pray that soon
26 Most models will probably complete the roll anyway , but some may begin to fall inverted , in which case use full back stick and pray !
27 ‘ I hope and pray this is a misunderstanding . ’
28 The other mother , Maureen Bursey , 46 , added : ‘ I just hope and pray Carla-Marie is mine .
29 We decided to move the chairs out to make more room , but the acceptances kept coming in so we thought we 'd open the French windows and pray for a sunny day . ’
30 It may be that as individuals learn and pray that they would be led to greater personal giving .
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