Example sentences of "question [prep] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Your treating the question as if it did n't exist is no help to you , no one ever got away by playing the ostrich . ’
2 Later , he replied with similar fighting spirit to a question about whether or not he really liked peas .
3 ‘ Mr Fraser of Wiltshire complained of bad language in an edition of the Channel 4 programme , Tonight With Jonathan Ross … the offending word arose in reply to a question about whether or not Paula Yates was going to have any more children .
4 There was some question about whether the Report should be published in its entirety , for Mr Baker and Mrs Rumbold were worried that there were sections which the Prime Minister would not like .
5 And , without waiting for a reply to his question about whether she gave Morton tacit approval for the book which became the biggest seller in the history of royal publishing , Philip went on to accuse his daughter-in-law of putting the dignity of the Crown at risk .
6 In reviewing the material in this chapter , I have simply posed the question about whether , and in what circumstances , support within kin groups can be one-way , or whether there is always some pressure to reciprocate .
7 It also begs a question about whether the government is changing its tune ?
8 If we say that children can not receive communion , we 'll als als ought also to s ask question about whether infants should be baptised .
9 This raises the question about whether we still need to allocate debt charges to individual operating statements .
10 There remained the question about whether to tell Merymose that he had seen Surere .
11 Scepticism about the relation between words and things indeed raises a question about whether the Renaissance is a phenomenon or whether it is a signifier , a discursive practice , which acts as a supplement for , say , the activities of the early modern period which are the things ostensibly being signified by the term Renaissance .
12 Yes we support the principle , but the question about whether or not it should be in Ryedale district has not been erm answered by our members , and indeed it it we consider it should have wait , I mean this is answering something that 'll be discussed at later within this issue , something that should not be er assessed until after the er
13 And finally , if I may , the question you raised earlier and I did n't respond to it as erm I might of done , er the question about whether North Yorkshire is particularly unique .
14 Maginnis sidesteps a question about whether the SDLP was interested in an internal settlement — ‘ We talk to other members of the SDLP and find them looking forward to participation .
15 Before I had completed a question about whether he would like to be Chancellor , MacGregor broke in to say with a smile , as he had to : ‘ But I am enjoying being at transport .
16 From the parents ' point of view , to go back to your original question about whether it 's good for children to be helped at home , of course it 's , it does n't make any sense to stop helping your child just because he 's reached the age of five .
17 question about if you get employment outside education although , has no effect whatsoever on
18 In The Facts he examines his own vexed state with reference to the vexed question of whether it is better to make things up , and to distort them , and by contemplating his earlier re-invention of the time-honoured dualistic account of literature and human nature .
19 It is not a question of whether it is better or worse to remain a virgin or a bachelor , he wrote , but rather of bringing the terror to the surface .
20 Yet in such circumstances the insider 's account has a potential to combine ‘ action anthropology ’ , ‘ applied anthropology ’ , and ‘ pure anthropology ’ , to create a fully semantic analysis ; and this raises the question of whether it will then be possible to publish and be damned ?
21 Although , as I mentioned before , rival groups of psycholinguists dispute the question of whether , when , and how the central systems exert a top-down influence upon the parsing processes , contemporary psycholinguistics proceeds on the assumption that levels of linguistic representation ( phoneme , morpheme , noun phrase , clause , etcetera ) are ‘ psychologically real ’ in the sense of referring to processes in the nervous system which take a certain time , which happen in a particular order , and which have determinate causal relations to similar processes .
22 That their duvet cover is made of the Russian flag and the Union Jack can be passed by ; better are such details as the fact that Russians call spam ‘ Roosevelt smile ’ ; the question of whether Down 's syndrome chidren are known as Mongols in the USSR , and a dispute over private medicine : ‘ You think I 've fled 1,000 miles from scientific communism just to live with Mrs Engels ? ’ asks Slava .
23 The Sandinistas may also use the visit to discuss US foreign policy in Central America , and the question of whether improved Soviet-US relations could lead to a lifting of the US economic embargo on Nicaragua .
24 But answering the question of whether abuse has taken place takes time and the involvement of many people other than doctors .
25 On the question of whether as adviser he had been privy to confidential information , he said : ‘ Any ( management ) buyout is party to information other buyers wo n't have . ’
26 The plaintiffs claimed that certain grass verges were part of the manorial lands of the manor and wished to re-litigate the question of whether the road verges were part of the highway .
27 She asked the court to refer to the European Court the question of whether Article 59 of the EC Treaty could be taken as meaning that a member state could bar the giving of information in its territory about services in another member state that were illegal in the first country .
28 She also raised the question of whether such a bar obstructed the freedom to provide services under Articles 59 and 66 of the Treaty and Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights , guaranteeing the right to give and receive information .
29 DENIS Winston Healey is having a certain amount of characteristically mischievous fun with journalists at the moment , on the question of whether he will or will not stand at the next election .
30 ‘ On the question of whether the material which has been made available is sufficient to justify the initiation of a prosecution against Patrick Ryan he ( Mr Barnes ) has come to the clear conclusion that it is not sufficient for that purpose and that a prosecution would not be justified , ’ the statement said .
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