Example sentences of "the newest " in BNC.

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1 Museums are at an advantage in making close examination of works in their own collections showing evidence about a picture , say , which can only be discovered by the newest scientific and technological methods .
2 Different generations are well represented here , from the newest professional at the beginning of her career to two who have been in the business for the last forty years .
3 Why this is so and hints on how to centre quickly are given in the newest edition of Gliding ( A & C Black ) .
4 Enter into the world , therefore , the newest member of this exalted family : Leonard ‘ the priest ’ , whose early years were shadowed — albeit not too solemnly — with a high sense of Tradition , and of the divine plan and ordering , even divine mission .
5 Agreeing that naïve empiricism is insufficient and that language does not tell us about the world in any simple , unmediated , or transparent way , they still believe that a sense of reality can be conveyed by language ( the position derided as mere ‘ common sense ’ by the Newest Criticism ) .
6 Learn , then , that on the stage The worst thing 's not to be the newest Larry But to hear behind your back Tom , Dick or Harry Being greeted by the critics with ‘ Hosanna !
7 The quality of these ‘ roads ' varies with their age , the newest three-plank spongs allowing us to maintain incredible speeds .
8 the friars discovered that the Indians were deeply impressed by sacred images created with the newest artistic techniques brought from the Old World …
9 The newest unit , raised in 1986 as part of the TA 's expansion programme , is B ( Somme ) Company of 6th/7th Battalion , The Queen 's Regiment , an infantry unit .
10 The newest of his Tigi Linea products are those in the Gloss Concept range .
11 At a meeting in the Kremlin last Saturday , General Vladimir Kryuchkov , head of the KGB and one of the newest members of the politburo , implicitly admitted the lies that had been told about the role of the secret police in Stalin 's repression .
12 AMID the fortune hunters who throng this city of make-believe , it is a simple step to imagine that tonight 's event at The Mirage , the newest and brashest gambling hole on The Strip , is the sporting event of the Eighties .
13 Already Sky TV is exclusively showing the winter series live from West Indies ( with Geoff Boycott the newest recruit to the broadcasting team ) .
14 Already Sky TV is exclusively showing the winter series live from West Indies ( with Geoff Boycott the newest recruit to the broadcasting team ) .
15 But by emphasising the newest recordings with the latest sound techniques by younger artists ( who can thus effectively be marketed in the future ) , other great Mozartians like Clara Haskil and Igor Markevitch must languish in the back of the catalogue .
16 The newest style was ‘ split-level ’ — a living room with a picture window and an adjoining dining area , a kitchen and , up a few stairs above the double garage , three bedrooms and two bathrooms .
17 Fair trial for fibre Geoff Hamilton scrutinises the newest cocofibre trials , and shells out on a cocoa shell mulch his lime-hating plants will love .
18 The Perfect Assurance Funeral Trust is one of the newest entrants .
19 Woosnam will not sit at the head of the table but , as the newest member , at the end of a sprig .
20 Instead , the newest method of transporting visiting VIPs to and from official engagements is by elephant .
21 Conner yesterday sailed against the newest of Bill Koch 's contenders , Kanza , amid mounting ridicule of Bill Koch 's impetuous decisions about who steers his boats .
22 Those were the days when what are now old-time good manners and fashions were the newest of the new , and Kate Cranston 's wasp-waisted Mackintosh Tea-room , the Willow , was but a sapling in the street it was named after — Sauchiehall Street means the Street of the Willows .
23 One of the newest innovations on the Manchester site is the £3m acid tank farm , which was commissioned in June 1990 .
24 In complete contrast , the 1984 scene shows the newest tram 641 passing a completely revamped South Pier .
25 The newest car , De-Luxe 68 , was decorated by 3,000 bulbs , and the effect was stunning , especially when the car toured the Blackpool suburbs and visited Lytham St. Annes .
26 The dining cars on this train are of the newest West Coast pattern , first and third composite on six-wheel bogies .
27 These various strands of information work with the computer are combined in some of the newest developments in user education in schools .
28 A HAIRLINE crack just two centimetres long in an engine manifold of the newest space shuttle has caused NASA engineers to jettison an engine and bring in a replacement .
29 The newest discovery , 3C 324 , comes top with a red-shift of 1.206 , which places it 10 000 million light years from earth .
30 One of the newest and most exciting fields of biological research at present concerns the relationships between the immune system , the nervous system and the hormones .
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