Example sentences of "the tenth " in BNC.

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1 At the decade 's start everything was gloom and doom , cutbacks the order of the day since in 1979 the number of commuters going into London dropped for the tenth successive year .
2 These gestures were first listed by monks in the tenth century .
3 Afterwards The Princess Royal , President , The Save the Children Fund , chaired the tenth meeting of The Save the Children Fund Industry and Commerce Group at Buckingham Palace .
4 The tenth anniversary of the civil rights movement was celebrated on 1 January 1979 amidst a growing alienation of the minority Catholic population , a rising toll not only of violence but also of poverty and unemployment in the six counties , and an increasingly unbridgeable gulf within the majority Protestant ranks , with the Official Unionists and the so-called Democratic Unionists under the Revd Ian Paisley vying with one another in intransigence and extremism .
5 Iceland was discovered in the tenth century by Viking seafarers from the Scandinavian mainland .
6 As Mahmood , the secretary of the strike committee , put it in the tenth month of the strike : ‘ When the women first joined Grunwick they were just like ordinary women .
7 Just time for a cup of coffee , she thinks , but she will have to make it herself as the office is short staffed , with the Corporal Clerk away representing the Corps at the celebrations to mark the tenth anniversary of the Queen Mother being appointed Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports .
8 ‘ On this spot , on the tenth of May , 1933 , under the evil spirit of Fascism , the gangsters of the Nazi party burned the noblest works of German and World Literature .
9 The Zimbabwean President , Mr Robert Mugabe , yesterday reiterated earlier pledges to resettle hundreds of thousands of black families , but allayed white farmers ' fears that their land would be seized with minimal compensation to mark the tenth independence anniversary .
10 The Zimbabwean President , Mr Robert Mugabe , yesterday reiterated earlier pledges to resettle hundreds of thousands of black families , but allayed white farmers ' fears that their land would be seized with minimal compensation to mark the tenth independence anniversary .
11 I went to the flicks — I wanted to see Some Like It Hot for about the tenth time and it was being revived at Baker Street .
12 … I can hear but never see him telling me for the tenth or hundredth time the story of the Wiltshire moonrakers … and many another comic tale or rhyme .
13 236 for 2 overnight became 296 for 7 next morning as England bowled themselves back into the game , but Lloyd and Garner put on 83 for the eighth wicket and then Holding and Croft an unbeaten 67 for the tenth as the bowlers tired , enabling Lloyd to declare on 468 .
14 The tenth person cried : ‘ Oh , my God , my wife and children . ’
15 At the tenth and fourteenth inches
16 A second and more fundamental change occurred in the tenth and eleventh centuries in Europe and in the Islamic world , when lead was added to the ingredients for the inlay .
17 One recent example is the research on the bronzes excavated in the 1950s at Igbo-Ukwu in south-eastern Nigeria and dated around the tenth century AD ( fig. 6.9 ) .
18 ‘ Ten years ago I was in the tenth grade , my second year in high school .
19 This year marked the tenth anniversary of THE FACE , but whereas parties have been thrown to commemorate this occasion , nobody has bothered to hold a ‘ do ’ for the tenth anniversary of the training shoe .
20 This year marked the tenth anniversary of THE FACE , but whereas parties have been thrown to commemorate this occasion , nobody has bothered to hold a ‘ do ’ for the tenth anniversary of the training shoe .
21 The empire of Charlemagne was divided in the ninth century , and its eastern division came to be dominated in the tenth century by the now Christianized Saxons .
22 There appear to be many small churches , often of wood , served by a single priest , in ninth-century Europe ; in England , on the other hand , the first signs of such a phenomenon occur in the tenth century .
23 Between Carolingian times and those of the Saxon ( or German ) empire of the tenth and early eleventh centuries , the role of Christianity in the public order shifted .
24 This liturgical elaboration is sometimes considered to be a special feature of the monastic movements of the tenth century radiating from Gorze-Trier , Cluny in Burgundy , Gerard of Brogne , and from Ethelwold of Winchester and others in England .
25 When historians contemplate the widespread monastic reforms of the tenth century , they often see these reforms as an ideal instrument by which kings and bishops could counteract the power of the lay aristocracies in the regions .
26 Secondly , the reformed monasteries of the tenth century were of necessity largely aristocratic in composition , and had they been perceived to have no function in aristocratic society , they could not have been as successful as they were .
27 In the tenth and early eleventh centuries , bishops developed a sacral image similar to that of kings and very closely associated with theirs .
28 France could also boast living saints , however , especially in the line of holy men who ruled Cluny as abbots in the tenth and eleventh centuries .
29 The use of coinage was also abandoned in Russia from the twelfth to the early fourteenth century , and in Japan from the tenth to the fourteenth century .
30 Other examples are the Roman coinage under Vespasian ( see p. 15 ) , and particularly the many coins purporting to be English pennies of the tenth and eleventh centuries .
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