Example sentences of "the elder " in BNC.

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1 Ackroyd notices that the Eliot who had once called poetry a ‘ mug 's game ’ was eventually , in his play The Elder Statesman , to use the same expression for forgery .
2 ‘ Do you think , ’ the elder man wondered , his face as grey as his hair with stone-dust , ‘ that the generals really want to go into the war with an army of pressed men ? ’
3 A public relations executive , Subba Row was a skilful diplomat accustomed to getting his own way and his methods did not always appeal to some of the county clubs or to the elder statesmen of MCC .
4 Lord Home belied his reputation for laziness — the commonly-held view of the elder statesman , as the British prototype for Ronald Reagan , did n't hold water : up and working at 6.30 every morning , even if he did spend uncommon amounts of time in trout streams .
5 There the first three children were born — Frank in 1902 , Michael two years later ( 14 November 19o4 ) , and then Bridget , the elder daughter .
6 Two other works with which Eliot linked Malory 's ‘ profound , tribal , Sophoclean morality ’ were to form starting points for his own plays ; Aeschylus ' Tragedy of the House of Atreus and Sophocles ' Oedipus at Colonus underlie respectively The Family Reunion and The Elder Statesman .
7 Sylvia , the elder married one , was well-built and healthy , but that was the best that could be said for her ; Mrs Wexford had a magnificent figure and a fine profile although she had never been of the stuff that wins beauty contests .
8 True , Tolkien 's favourite books were the old books — in English , the Anglo-Saxon poets ; in Icelandic , those of the Elder Edda ; in Celtic , the old Welsh Triads and the Irish was by far the most distinguished scholar in his field of Old and Middle English , his interest in it all was very far from being ‘ purely academic ’ .
9 Faced with this situation , the elder girl sold some family property and bought two tickets to London .
10 Aylesbury were taking stock of a cheerless season when Reed was signed by Trevor Gould , the elder brother of Wimbledon 's manager , Bobby .
11 Aylesbury were taking stock of a cheerless season when Reed was signed by Trevor Gould , the elder brother of Wimbledon 's manager , Bobby .
12 The elder son of Chile 's ex-dictator and ( still ) army commander , General Augusto Pinochet , may be a case in point .
13 The elder Noble daughter , Irene , was already launched on her own secretarial career and , at this time , was a close friend of the writer , Richard le Gallienne , a protegé of her father .
14 The sudden death of Philip in the novel is one of the few references in Thomas 's work traceable to the impact of the elder critic 's death upon him and the Part it played in hardening his determination to become a writer .
15 Gloria took the part of the elder princess .
16 He was the ideal of all the friends I had ever longed for , the elder brother that , as an only child , I could never hope for — though he was at least fifteen years younger than I , his assurance and absolute maleness made me feel like a younger brother by contrast .
17 Or else it could indicate genuine remorse , and , even more important , an acknowledgement of Esau 's status as the elder brother .
18 Earlier we might have said his conduct and manner of speech were appropriate for one who wished to renounce the status he had stolen , and show his recognition of Esau 's authority as the elder son .
19 She had been only nineteen when the Second World War ended , and by the start of the nineties was the elder statesman in a cabinet which included several who had still been in nappies in 1945 .
20 Ibrahim Bu Shanna , reaching maturity at a propitious time , had opportunities to achieve success in trade denied to his elder brother , who grew up during the war : the elder brother was a gardener , who lived subordinate in every way except the symbolic to Ibrahim , a successful wholesaler .
21 R. W. Dale 's son became a fellow of Trinity Hall , Cambridge , and one survey of leading Victorians noted , ‘ As the elder Dale did much to spiritualize the business men of the Midlands , the younger carries on his father 's work in traditionally the most [ sic ] liberal of our two national seats of learning ’ .
22 Most , however , had reached and even overshot their maturity ; they had become the elder statesmen of their breeds : exceptional , memorable examples of the extremes nature is capable of attaining .
23 As the elder brother , it was his privilege and his right to ‘ go oot ’ whenever the fancy took him , especially as he was a toiler .
24 The elder Duke ( 1701–1750 ) was one of the original subscribers to John Bartram 's collecting expeditions and Collinson wrote to Philadelphia in 1743 : ‘ Only Philip Miller and the Duke of Richmond , who love new things , continue to contribute . ’
25 John Anthony Pople was born in Burnham on Sea in 1925 , the elder son of Herbert and Mary Pople .
26 The ‘ Legitimist ’ nobility , that is those who remained loyal to the elder Bourbon branch which had been deposed by the Revolution of 1830 , kept itself aloof from the court of the ‘ parvenu ’ , just as it had shunned that of Louis-Philippe .
27 He was of course referring to the members of the Legitimist aristocracy , still loyal to ‘ Henry V ’ , the last of the elder Bourbon line , the grandson of Charles X who had been deposed by the Revolution of 1830 and who lived in exile at Frohsdorf in Bohemia .
28 He wrote : ‘ A very interesting feature of the elder architecture annually becoming more rare , viz. the outside gallery . ’
29 Grasmere , too has lost its galleries but evidently they were there once as de Quincey wrote describing them in his Recollections , ‘ A very interesting feature of the elder architecture , annually becoming more and more rare viz the outside gallery , which is sometimes merely of wood , but is much more striking when provided for in the original construction of the house and completely enfoncée in the masonry . ’
30 In 1808 the elder Burn sent William , at the age of 17 , to the office of Sir Robert Smirke , then only three years in the business and already being offered more business than he could safely undertake .
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