Example sentences of "the twelfth " in BNC.

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1 The Michelin Guide to the Côte de l'Atlantique says that this eerie and impressive cavern , which communicates by a passage through the cliff to the château on the summit , was probably made in the twelfth century to shelter the relics of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem brought back from a Crusade by Pierre II of Castillon , who at that time held the château .
2 London does n't have a corner on film festivals : in Newcastle , the twelfth Tyneside Film Festival begins tomorrow — with free tickets for Independent readers .
3 Homely Persian pottery of the twelfth to thirteenth century combines animal and bird images with sinuous plant motifs and marks the beginning of lustre wares ; they are mostly priced in the £500 to £1,000 range and rate high on charm .
4 There is St John 's Hospital , the first in Europe , built in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries , although founded much earlier , and still in use until the 1970s ; the Beguinage , a religious foundation for women that dates back to the twelfth century , now a convent ; the thirteenth-to fifteenth-century Church of our Lady , with a 350ft tower ; the Stadhuis , a magnificent Gothic town hall dating from 1376-1420 .
5 The Philistines , however , were a non-Semitic , Aegean , sea-faring people who settled along the coastal region of Canaan ( not Palestine as he suggests ) sometime in the twelfth century BC .
6 Although the government placed ‘ the political and economic backbone of the Republic in heavy industry and in transport ’ , Trotsky observed at the Twelfth Party Congress that they actually formed the rearguard .
7 In August the Agitprop section of the Twelfth Party Conference had set up a commission to start a state subsidy for the politically reliable press .
8 Frequent orders from Moscow to appoint them indicate that until after the Twelfth Party Congress party editors were the exception rather than the rule in the regions .
9 Panic set in on the twelfth day when , after ‘ lifting ’ milk , a lorry picking up the churns stopped , the driver beckoning Harry .
10 Since the twelfth century the Bishop of Durham had a manor , and lived here except during the Commonwealth when bishops were in exile and this was the seat of the general who governed the North .
11 It had once been the great hall of the castle , and is among the fairest buildings of the twelfth century which Britain possesses .
12 The Romans probably introduced the geared watermill and are first recorded in England during the last quarter of the twelfth century .
13 Post Mills were first built in the twelfth century and there is little difference in design between the early examples and those constructed in the nineteenth century .
14 The house is built on the site of a Saxon prison , which was still used in the twelfth century to incarcerate cattle rustlers .
15 It was first systematized by Gratian of Bologna in the twelfth century .
16 If he makes a will , as most men do , it is almost certain that he will set apart a considerable proportion for the saying of masses ; if he should neglect to do so , and in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries it is regarded as almost a sin to die without making a will , the Church ought to make the provision which he has failed to make for his soul .
17 Yet the idea of Jesus as our example did not become a theory of atonement until the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , and I want to introduce you now to our first theologian — Peter Abelard .
18 For example , a small Egyptian gold pendant in the form of a shell ( now in the Egyptian Department of the British Museum , EA 65281 ) is very probably ancient , but it bears an engraved cartouche purporting to be of the Twelfth Dynasty in the early second millennium BC .
19 The Chief Constable of the RUC added confusion to the parades policy by announcing that he would permit an Orange church parade on the Sunday before the Twelfth to pass through the Tunnel because it would be a ‘ peaceful , dignified , church parade ’ but insisted that the Twelfth march had to be re-routed .
20 The Chief Constable of the RUC added confusion to the parades policy by announcing that he would permit an Orange church parade on the Sunday before the Twelfth to pass through the Tunnel because it would be a ‘ peaceful , dignified , church parade ’ but insisted that the Twelfth march had to be re-routed .
21 When the first parade passed off without serious incident ( but with a massive police presence ) , the Portadown Orangemen reaffirmed their determination to go through the Tunnel on the Twelfth .
22 Although committed to the Independent Orange Order 's rally in Ballycastle , he announced that he would begin the Twelfth by visiting Portadown to add his support to the planned march .
23 The working-class Protestants who totter back from the Twelfth field , obviously drunk but still marching behind a ‘ Total Abstinence Lodge ’ banner , will continue to be annoyed by the evangelical ideologues , but will respect the fact that the evangelicals ' hearts are in the right place .
24 His father , the twelfth Earl , spent almost three decades as Lord Chamberlain to the mother of the present Queen .
25 William Waldegrave 's father , the twelfth Earl Waldegrave , was a junior agriculture minister under Macmillan , and his sister , Lady Susan Katherine , is a lady-in-waiting to the Queen .
26 The use of coinage was also abandoned in Russia from the twelfth to the early fourteenth century , and in Japan from the tenth to the fourteenth century .
27 However , in the twelfth century corner , I found a place where I could look through four archways at once , a soothing occupation .
28 Then she came to London and I saw her sitting in the twelfth or thirteenth row of the Royal Festival Hall .
29 On the Twelfth of July each year , he would be one of tens of thousands who marched to display their common purpose and faith .
30 The Twelfth of July parades , actually held on the Saturday nearest to the date in Scotland , were days of high excitement .
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