Example sentences of "set before [art] " in BNC.

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1 Was n't that a dainty dish to set before a queen ( king )
2 Lady Diana Cooper ( then in her eighty-eighth year ) who attended the event , said in her inimitable way : ‘ Was n't that a mighty feast to set before a King ! ’
3 For the best part of an hour Brazil produced a dainty dish to set before the Queen of the Netherlands , who may have felt that she had something better to do than sit out a sparring match in driving rain .
4 Before the main feature , however , there were a couple of important sideshows to set before the drenched assembly in the shape of the Plate and Bowl finals .
5 Given a military problem , Osbern of Eu and his men resembled nothing so much , Cormac thought , as a starving man with a knife set before a belly-piece of fat pork and an ale-horn .
6 The mortar is set before the frosts , and the roof will be on well before the snow . ’
7 The official Soviet version of events was provided in 1957 by Andrei Gromyko , then Deputy Foreign Minister , who claimed that Wallenberg had died of a heart attack in prison in 1947 , a date conveniently set before the end of the Stalin era .
8 The present system frequently results in simple cases being set before the High Court while much more complicated issues are being decided by the county courts .
9 Sometimes one set of sculptors would be finishing an already countermanded set before the news of yet more changes reached them .
10 Three long rows of chairs are set before the stage , and there are tables with candelabras , goblets and punch bowls ( the glass is cracked and filthy ) .
11 However , it was also acknowledged that the task set before the filmmakers was so large that it defied reducing the complex series of events into a simple formula drama .
12 This shows accuracy , however , not prejudice : most of his work is set before the English navvies and engineers descended on Normandy .
13 4 Parties aim to win office and they compete for the support of the electorate at the polls on the basis of programmes of policies , or manifestos , that are set before the electorate for their judgement .
14 For example , Lord Crowther-Hunt considers that the Queen would be perfectly " justified " in withholding her consent from a bill which sought to abolish the House of Lords even if the government proposing this had secured a mandate through the manifesto set before the people at a general election .
15 The result will be a governing coalition for which no one voted , and with policies ( born of the necessity for compromise to effect the coalition ) which were never set before the electorate for their approval and support .
16 Your program should not , of curse , subsequently try to use variables set before the clear statement .
17 BRITTEN 'S Miss Wordsworth , primmest of Suffolk schoolma'ms , would no doubt have balked at setting before the public eye any but her most promising music pupils .
18 The partnership sensibly place their account of five Seidl setting before the Rellstab and Heine sings .
19 JOHN MAJOR , the Foreign Secretary , yesterday announced the setting up of a £25m aid fund for Hungary as he set before the conference what he called a ‘ common sense ’ approach for Conservatives in Europe .
20 It had been glorious just to sit there at the huge dining table , with the sounds of the sea wafting up through the open window , feeling her exhaustion slip away from her , while the energetic Mrs Birkin set before the three of them course after delicious course .
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