Example sentences of "set [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 We can not emphasize enough how important it is to set aside from your diet foods you suspect or know cause you problems .
2 That in and under the bread and wine , as Calvin put it , set apart from common use to this holy use to represent his body and blood , he feeds us with his very life I in you and you in me , I the vine and you the branches .
3 The church seems to be slightly set away from the village , and is very elusive as you drive through , being only reached either through a farmyard or down a lane off the road to Wansford .
4 Built in 1990 , the Hotel Rina is a modern , well-furnished property set away from the main road .
5 A third dummy was in a seated position on the fourth chair which was set away from the table .
6 an accent mark which is set separately from the main character and is then placed either over or under it .
7 To provide water for farmers and city dwellers , three sections of the marsh were surrounded with dikes and set aside from development , each one a kind of captured remnant of Everglades , but wholly for man 's use .
8 It was a perfect site because the building , for which a quarter of a million pounds ( £8,250,000 ) had been set aside from the Twentieth Century Fund , was meant to be ‘ a challenge to the Church of England ’ .
9 The intention is that the members of the household should have an opportunity to communicate with each other , to sense their unity as a family , and to enjoy time set aside from the normal rush of daily life .
10 It also helped me retain the image of myself as someone special , set aside from the throng , this time because of superior talent .
11 In part it would appear that this has arisen from a tendency to see questions of housing and home life as matters of individual and privatised choice , to be set aside from the mainstream of political life where employment is the crucial issue .
12 As Timberlake and his colleagues put it in this brief but incisive review , greens ‘ suggest that this thing called the environment is a sacred garden set aside from human activities . ’
13 In another drawer , set aside from everything else , he found other letters that were full of love .
14 Donations totalling £15,000 have been set aside from the site 's charity trust fund to buy much needed equipment to help mothers and children , the elderly , the injured , the deaf and handicapped in the area .
15 Political leaders , where they can be set apart from the party , may help to shape a party 's image .
16 Several other traits make Darras something of an outsider , set apart from French cultural orthodoxy .
17 Omissions cases falling within manslaughter by recklessness or gross negligence have also been set apart from cases of positive acts .
18 Through these discriminations of time , space and substances , they are to make themselves a holy people , set apart from the unholy people and things .
19 It was generosity and wisdom I was after when I climbed up the steps to her small office which was set apart from the larger huts in the forest clearing .
20 Bream that eat small fish are not a separate and distinct class of fish , or size of fish , set apart from other bream .
21 Rome was set apart from her neighbours by her ancient fame and lasting prestige — and yet , in these centuries , one can not but think , far more by the presence of the apostles and martyrs , and of the pope .
22 One such was Nicholas Winton , a young stockbroker set apart from his colleagues by his radical views .
23 The fame of Aÿ was at its peak , and its wines were set apart from other growths ; as beautifully understated by Paulmier in his treatise De Vino et Pomaceo ( Paris , 1588 ) , Aÿ was ‘ the ordinary drink of kings and princes ’ .
24 Charles , the bridegroom , was in some ways set apart from his three brothers ; for a start he appears to have been illiterate , whereas they were not , and also he was the only one who was not a cardmaker — or if he had learned the trade , he chose not to practise it .
25 None of the other superhuman beings is described as inherently shy or fearful , a further indication of their being conceptually set apart from human beings .
26 As such , humans fear them , and as such , they are firmly set apart from the Chewong .
27 Once this conviction had been acquired , however , it became almost impossible to dislodge it , and they came to see themselves as an elite , chosen people permanently set apart from the majority of their unregenerate contemporaries .
28 Despite increasing integration into the market , the village remained in large measure set apart from the world outside , regulating its own affairs through customary law under the tutelage of the police .
29 An early-fourteenth-century description of Gascony listed four counts and fifteen vicomtes among the upper nobility , set apart from the plèbe nobiliaire beneath them .
30 But more than this , we have a vivid sense of the loneliness of the human observer , set apart from his surroundings , and of " a mind energetically stretching to subdue a dazzling experience outside the self in a way that has innumerable counterparts elsewhere in Conrad " .
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