Example sentences of "set [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 To set against this the prosaic virtues of humility and obedience , and to make them seem not merely right but also interesting , is — when the writer is a fallen creature writing for other fallen creatures — an impossible task .
2 It is then important to set against this the qualitative assessments and for management to discuss the relative importance of each type of information before the final decisions are made .
3 To set against this trend , however , there was much evidence to support the view that the public continued to look to government for assistance .
4 According to Computerworld , it has said that at the next APPN Implementors ' Workshop , set for this week , it will seek input from other vendors on how to set priorities for future enhancements , and it has set the price for reverse engineering the code at $25,000 , a lower figure than many had predicted .
5 The series of papers which form the basic data set for this research ( the Rolfe papers , and Will 1985 ) , contained lists of theses arranged in a classified order .
6 Set against this , however , is that over the same period the number of compounds screened for every new product generated has increased from 2 × 10 3 to 2 × 10 4 , which inevitably increases development costs .
7 Set against this picture and parallel to the theory that accompanies and supports it is the idea of the possibility of order as a creation of social instruments ordained for that very task , namely teachers , police , social workers , and perhaps , in the last resort , parents .
8 But set against this conditioned , non-autonomous female self are various images of a female self that would be authentic , that would transcend or shatter this conditioning .
9 Set against this rather simplistic view of the neutrality and responsiveness of the state to the wishes of electors are pluralist writers who argue that there is certainly a necked for greater preparedness. hut that the military and the giant corporations in America have far more influence on the political system than they should and that they are a threat to liberal democracy .
10 Set against this is the felt reality ; the constraining influences of the number of individuals a person has to interact with at any one moment and the problem of time .
11 Set within this context , poverty is a daily struggle to meet health needs without jeopardising financial survival .
12 Set beside this , the public mind is indeed impoverished :
13 At 2pm that day , in the Vauxhall district of Birmingham , the scene was set for this drama .
14 The deadline set for this was 1990 , a simple majority vote of the borough council being sufficient to ensure separation ; neither parents nor governors were to be involved in the decision .
15 Inevitably , however , pain will sometimes need to be inflicted , and in the absence of anaesthetic , which must be set against this point .
16 The benches by the Cages were suddenly stark and mysterious as they slowly became set against this drifting whiteness .
17 This chapter will , therefore , examine the ways in which the early Christians were conscious of the Spirit 's presence in their community ; the next four chapters will glance at some of our contemporary problems concerning the Spirit in the Church , when set against this back ground .
18 Knit row two with the carriages set like this .
19 The SRP60N ribber can be set like this , but you can also use the autoset lever to produce a fabric that has only a single colour on the reverse .
20 The Embassy of India ( 8/153 ) of 1917 is set behind this , and the Belgian Embassy in Valdštejnská Street offers a fine example of Rococo Revival .
21 It can also be made to sound so sharp that any movement of the fretting hand on the strings causes a loud squeak , but even set with this much top there 's still quality to the tone .
22 Within fifty yards of him , set along this line , stood his cottage , next door to The Two Pheasants .
23 Indeed , it could be argued that it is only problems which are set within this framework that are viewed by the legal community as being properly legal .
24 The search for an appropriate response to the problems of conflicts abuse in financial conglomerates , central to which is the increased need to protect investors , must be set within this context .
25 The main headband consists of a lightweight moulded arc and a broad artificial leather strap is set within this on sliding brackets for adjusting to make the most comfortable support .
26 He and Sir David accordingly set upon this final crucial lap of their preparations and to witness the unswerving determination with which they persevered in the face of repeated frustrations was a humbling experience ; countless letters and telegrams were dispatched and his lordship himself made three separate trips to Paris within the space of two months .
27 Works by Rembrandt , Vermeer , Turner , Reynolds and Gainsborough are beautifully set in this neoclassical house , remodelled by Robert Adam in 1764 .
28 Further — and this was where Kant moved decidedly beyond Hume and everyone else before him — even the most fundamental categories which we use to supply the framework of our knowledge of the world , those of space and time , must be set in this light .
29 The design task set in this test has some non-mathematical features and it was used in an exercise with some groups of teachers to obtain their views on what should be marked .
30 The statute of Carlisle is best set in this context .
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