Example sentences of "run between the " in BNC.

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1 In each case they run between the intersegmental folds or antecostae of successive segments .
2 I run between the concrete pillars holding up the elevated railway , on to the steep stairs .
3 Damage has extended into the dykes which run between the grazing marshes .
4 The road could run between the Westburn and Baberton housing developments on embankment or structure , crossing over Baberton Mains farm access road , the Edinburgh/Carstairs Railway and Baberton Mains Terrace .
5 The new restricted zone would run between the UK Corrugated site and Glenton Hall Farm on the A68 .
6 Small pupils attempting to run between the legs of larger pupils playing football .
7 The rope should never be allowed to run between the legs , for all too obvious reasons .
8 But running between the feet of elephants , as the company colourfully describes its market position , is a dangerous business , particularly when the trend in the train-building industry is towards the creation of larger international suppliers .
9 But running between the feet of elephants , as the company colourfully describes its market position , is a dangerous business , particularly when the trend in the train-building industry is towards the creation of larger international suppliers .
10 It was a pleasant two-bedroomed house with a long garden running between the school playground and the Shoosmiths ' garden next door .
11 The young wheat is streaked by silver lines of water running between the ridges , the sheep are gathered together on the slopes .
12 These works were founded by Mr Joseph Wright , who had for many years been intimately connected with what we may call ‘ the system of locomotion ’ , having been a contractor for the conveyance of mails , and the owner of most of the coaches running between the Metropolis and Birmingham , and other large towns .
13 ‘ My strength is running between the wickets , especially the twos .
14 Masklin was just ahead of the other two as they raced up the aisle between the rows of humans , who paid no attention at all to three tiny blurs running between the seats .
15 The labral compressors , running between the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the labrum .
16 When Adam stopped , she saw they 'd reached a lane running between the backs of houses .
17 The Saddam River or Third River , a 565-km canal running between the Tigris and Euphrates from Mahmudiya south of Baghdad to Qurnah , was officially inaugurated on Dec. 7 .
18 Sinisalo 's voice was the calling of a playful child , running between the trees , hiding , teasing .
19 However , the observation that the delivery time of a particular item from the Annexe depends very largely on how well the request for it fits in with the schedule of the van running between the Library and the Annexe , suggests that it might be helpful to readers if the van 's times of operation and the main pressmarks of outhoused material were advertised .
20 This is run between the respective video-out and video-in sockets , the plug terminations being either phono , BNC , or a combination of the two .
21 All those smug fellows in Charlotte Square have far more reason to be alarmed by this cogent , lucid Leftism than the silly Red Romance of a world run between the DHSS and Lothian Regional Council .
22 I sat on one of the lockers with both feet on the bar that ran between the shafts .
23 There were no brakes , and if I had stumbled , then the bar that ran between the shafts behind me would have caught me in the back and either dragged me along or knocked me to the ground .
24 Young children ran between the trees , their laughter an emotional reminder of the children who were n't there .
25 It was dawn on the northern frontier of France ; a border marked only by a shallow stream which ran between the stunted trunks of pollarded willows .
26 The only traffic-bearing road ran between the houses and the waterfront .
27 The car rattled along , crossing the myriad narrow gauge loco tracks that ran between the factories lining the route .
28 He examined it closer , and it was only then he noticed the faint crack which ran between the edges of the tiles .
29 I ran between the bines , parallel to the farm , until I reckoned it was safe to crawl to the fence and risk a look .
30 In West Sussex an extensive low-lying , flat plain runs between the Downs and the sea .
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