Example sentences of "[adv] clap eye " in BNC.

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1 She had eyes as bright as buttons , a sharp wit and the most beautiful pair of shoulders I have ever clapped eyes on .
2 White as marble , with the juiciest and roundest pair of tits I had ever clapped eyes on .
3 I was hustled away to a cold , stone-flagged cell beneath the Guildhall which I shared with two of the biggest rats I have ever clapped eyes on .
4 Sir John Dacourt , the ambassador , was squat and florid , with frizzed white hair , light blue eyes , and the most luxuriant curling moustache I have ever clapped eyes on .
5 It is very easy to build up quite a dislike of The-Most-Important-Film-Star-Of-The-Nineties before ever clapping eyes on him .
6 He stood quite close to her and he said , ‘ I do n't know who you are , lass , never clapped eyes on you , and from the look of you an' your voice you 're not the kind wor Robbie would pick up with .
7 ‘ I 'd never clapped eyes on the guy before , ’ said a stunned Foulds .
8 ‘ I 'd never clapped eyes on the guy before , ’ said a stunned Foulds .
9 This policeman was having to give evidence and he 'd come to talk , oh I see you 've had the baby , cos he was talking to me it had happened I said , oh what did you have blah blah blah , blah blah blah , but the little devil went in the witness box , he denied about not being there on duty about putting his mac on , ooh and he 'd never clapped eyes on barrister or a solicitor and they said he 'll meet you before the case , so we had to go extra early meet this barrister and he never came and so they took us in this little room in all his wig and his gown , we got , oh what happened ?
10 It was to be seven long years before I actually clapped eyes on a cuckoo in the wild — on a school camping holiday to the Scilly Isles , of all places — but that was in another life and another land , far from my roots in Colchester Park and Colchester Zoo .
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