Example sentences of "kept [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even during the good periods , quoting the annual rate was misleading : the proportion of all bonds outstanding that defaulted in any given year was kept low by the huge proportion of new issues in 1986–90 .
2 A business must be kept profitable into the long-term future , but at the same time short-term profitability must be maintained to avoid the danger that the long term will never be reached , and the business liquidated or taken over .
3 As more and more survive and are kept alive beyond the utmost limit of working life , the economic or social function of the individual provides less and less of a motive or framework for his survival ; and when we ask Why ? we find ourselves thrown back upon purpose in a sense which is neither economic nor social nor even secular .
4 He referred to Inwood , whose name was to be kept alive at the new hospital , and which had been likened to a ‘ five star hotel ’ , and where patients had particular cause to be grateful to the town 's GP 's who were so conveniently on hand at the Health Centre .
5 The rediscovery of rich veins of vernacular literature , which had been kept alive in the oral traditions of the peasants during centuries of domination by alien cultures , gave a feeling of self-confidence to the national movements which were striving for independence .
6 This attitude was kept alive by the strong sense of the permanence of human arrangements in the matter of property , which seems to us of all things the least permanent : gifts to the Church were made to last till the Day of Judgement , and many of the documents in the Canterbury archives invoked God and all his saints on the Day of Judgement to destroy those who violated their provisions .
7 As we shall see , it was important in the Civil Wars , but the spirit was kept alive by the annual bonfires to celebrate Elizabeth 's accession and the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 .
8 The village atmosphere is kept alive by an annual May Day event and tree and bulb planting schemes .
9 Bidding was kept lively by a large number of Italian clients who according to one organiser all arrived in open Porsches with Milan number plates and invariably occupied front row seats ‘ flamboyant but not the very rich sort of Italians , you understand ’ , he said .
10 He suggested using watertight ox bladders as containers ; in them , tied to the saddle , plants could be kept fresh for a long time .
11 It is best made at the last possible moment , although it can be kept warm for a short time in a bowl set over a pan of hot water .
12 It is essential that anaesthetized mice are kept warm on a heated pad under a light or preferably in an incubator until they recover consciousness .
13 The law of mistake in expert determination has been kept separate from the general law of contractual mistake , on which see Chitty on Contracts , Chapter 5 .
14 Inclusion of the word " federal " , which the UK government insisted had connotations in English , if not in other EC languages , of a " superstate " was described by the Independent of June 18 as " effectively the price being demanded of Britain , incidentally also of France , for insisting between them that the two main new areas for common action — foreign and security policies and judicial affairs — should be kept separate from the traditional EC constitutional structure as laid down in the Treaty of Rome [ see pp. 15951-59 ] " .
15 She knew Beth had suffered many sleepless nights of late , because she herself had been kept awake into the small hours , thinking of Matthew and wondering how he was faring .
16 But angry guests at the Britannia Hotel in Manchester claimed they were kept awake by the loud music until 5am .
17 The teachers , however , decided that we needed to be kept busy over the long weekend and gave us lots of work to do .
18 It was kept clean by the simple method of scrubbing it with fine sand — a commodity in no short supply during Richard 's desert campaigns !
19 The cargo was aboard the Japanese freighter Akatsuki Maru , whose precise route was kept secret by the Japanese government .
20 However , individual census household schedules are kept secret by the hundred-year rule , and it is impossible to use civil registers to reconstruct individual life histories and family formation .
21 The reforms were reportedly prepared by a group of specialists and astonishingly kept secret from the prime minister 's cabinet .
22 The family , meanwhile can be kept amused with the miniature railway , mini-farm and various family events , and if you meet at the coffee shop at the end of the day , you may even be treated to a little live music .
23 She was born with a blockage in her nose which hindered breathing , so an airway is being kept open by a small tube .
24 The President ushered his party into seats which had been kept vacant in the top bench and then he turned to address the community .
25 Discussions were open and informed ; each member of staff was kept aware of the overall needs of the school and the constraints upon them .
26 Maintaining a close liaison with officials at the three locations , McGuinness was kept aware of the exact position of each Spitfire involved in the transfer .
27 President Ceausescu has generally kept quiet on the Moldavian issue , while routinely stressing Romanian national sovereignty and independence .
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