Example sentences of "standing [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Manager Dick Graham immediately went back to his former club , West Bromwich Albion , and purchased Welsh International , Tony Millington to take over but , by the end of the year it was Jackson who was earning praise in the Palace goal after standing in for the injured Welshman and making his home debut against Cardiff on 28 November 1964 , and by the end of the season ‘ Jacko ’ , as he became popularly called , was in undisputed possession
2 Standing in for the injured Ian Smith , wicketkeeper Adam Parore took five catches in England 's first innings .
3 On 7 June an emergency meeting of the NSFU Executive was held at which Father Charles Hopkins , standing in for the absent Havelock Wilson , pointed out the disastrous financial effects which participation in such a stoppage might have on the union and the peril in which it might stand in respect of its hard won provincial settlements .
4 Condensation might entail the one kind of subject and/or manifestation standing in for the whole domain of evil , incurring responsibility for the whole in the process of being made to signify it .
5 increase in value added tax — but he is standing down at the general election .
6 The other had turned and was waiting for the Genoese , standing off on the landward side with her crossbowmen and hackbutters lining her port rail , fore and aft .
7 " For people who take a sober view of life , " he said , " a person is liberal who is prepared not to take thought for his personal interests but to expend all his energy on standing up for the juridical independence of every citizen and the freedom of every action which does not undermine the well-being and the tranquillity of society " .
8 Though not normally noted for their philanthropy , lawyers say they are standing up for the common man and woman by condemning the Scottish Office plans to change civil legal aid and to a lesser extent legal advice and assistance .
9 We had a small walled garden and oblong of grass and , though Father kept a long side bed gay with red geraniums , white marguerites and blue lobelia , capable of standing up to the odd cricket ball and the games we children were able to play in the few remaining square yards behind beggared description but we had the whole Heath beyond .
10 As the leavening of hardened veterans became sparser and sparser , so the pathetic eighteen-year-olds fresh from the parade grounds in the Fatherland showed themselves less and less capable of standing up to the remorseless demands of the Verdun fighting .
11 She standing up against the racial stereotype with purple hair .
12 At half past midnight , Springfield drew the council of war to a close by pushing back his chair and standing up behind the big desk , where he had been sitting flanked by Grant and Deputy Fenton .
13 If these are the lessons of prudence , then standing back from the official portrait of crime and criminals and looking at it critically might be a very beneficial move towards getting our heads straight .
14 Both require standing back from the day-to-day running of the organisation and examining the wider picture .
15 At whatever level it manifests itself , leadership is concerned with standing back from the day-to-day routine of affairs .
16 Standing back from the main road , surrounded by green grass , was the memorial to those men of the village and the surrounding hamlets who had died during the Great War , and behind the memorial was the primary school which I was going to join in the course of the next few days .
17 Mrs Parvis was standing out on the front doorstep , pretending to watch out for something in the sky .
18 It was a large split-level home , with unexpected staircases going , it seemed , in all directions , their wrought-iron banisters standing out against the pale-yellow broadloom which covered both stairs and floors throughout the house .
19 The German mortaring had suddenly stopped and the Brigade Major was standing out in the open talking to an Officer when , just as suddenly , the mortars started up again , sending their bombs swishing through the trees and sending the Brigade Major diving for cover .
20 With its splashes of red standing out from the swirling whiteness of the snowstorm , this tableau combines the decorative and the dramatic in a manner reminiscent of the finest Japanese prints .
21 There were puffins everywhere : the sky was full of whirring wings , and hundreds of birds were standing around on the grassy slope which was honeycombed with puffin burrows .
22 Here he is remembering Nick Kent standing around in the old NME offices in Carnaby Street talking about what Keith Richards had said to him once , when he noticed something hanging out of his leather trousers .
23 In a few days time we 'll be sitting him on top of a bonfire and standing around in the cold night while we light up the sky with loads of colour .
24 T was not the best night for standing around in the cold wind and rain ( OK so it 's undercover , but the wind do n't half blow through there ) watching telly ( and paying a fiver for the priviledge of doing so )
25 Across the bridge in Aberfeldy more people than usual were standing about on the dried mud of the half-built streets .
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