Example sentences of "to ensure [conj] the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is vitally important that canister filters are packed fairly loosely and maintained correctly to ensure that the correct amount of water reached the pump impeller .
2 It is essential to identify all the firm 's clients at the outset and to ensure that the correct form of engagement letter is issued and signed by each of them For example , in an MBO , if our clients are the directors , not the company , each director must sign an engagement letter as an individual or , more commonly , one director , with appropriate authority , can sign for all of them as individuals .
3 Alongside the need to engage in a more explicit discussion of the values which underlie rural planning ( which , as we shall see in the following section , is rarely a purely technocratic exercise ) there is the need to ensure that the relevant knowledge about today 's countryside is more widely disseminated .
4 Well Mr er Deputy Speaker I er do n't wish to er follow the honourable member of one of my er neighbours but I actually think it 's really part of grown up politics to ensure that the political opinion of a nation is adequately represented in the forums of that nation whether it be in this place or in the European er parliament and to that extent I make no bones about it that erm I wish that we were debating a different electoral system and Mr Deputy Speaker going back to the minister 's introduction erm it is a fact , I did n't wish to intervene because I did n't , it 's a short debate and I did n't want to take up er extra time , but it is a fact is it not that our electoral system unique across Europe means that our deadline as opposed to what the French are going to do is different to all the other member states .
5 Pressure-reducing valve to ensure that the actual pressure in the system does not exceed a safe level ( typically ⅓ Of the test pressure of the hot water cylinder )
6 Will he do everything to ensure that the recent announcement by the European Community , which reflects the attitude of the French and those who agree with them in respect of the general agreement on tariffs and trade proposals , will not be immensely damaging to British farming and world trade as a whole ?
7 However , guidance will be given to boards on the exercise of their powers and I shall monitor the position to ensure that the present level of provision is at least maintained .
8 I will monitor the position to ensure that the present level of provision is at least maintained .
9 The aim would be ‘ to ensure that the long-term rate of expansion in public expenditure was properly aligned with prospective resources ’ .
10 ‘ There is obviously going to be displacement of people as specialist sites are concentrated , ’ says Ms Brown , adding that it would be necessary to ensure that the right amount of nursing support and training is available as the displacement of nurses takes place .
11 Some ingenious souls have even gone so far as to suggest that the correct attitude to fat , which makes sense in nutritional , agronomic and culinary terms is to aim in general at eating a low-fat diet , and at one in which most of the fat in the diet is polyunsaturated : but to ensure that the small amount of saturated fat that did creep in is as delectable as possible , which , of course , with slight deference to beef dripping , means butter .
12 It fell to the BDA to ensure that the new breed of social workers with the deaf were motivated and equipped for their specialist task , and , particularly — that they were able to communicate with members of the deaf community , for which knowledge of British Sign Language ( BSL ) is essential .
13 It is important , therefore , before attempting to build up a successful front for the furtherance of your career , first to ensure that the real attitude behind the front is one that will support it on all occasions .
14 Where , as in many inner-city areas , there is a high turnover of occupancy , I hope that there will be powers to levy the owner in order to ensure that the financial base of local authorities is not undermined .
15 And I firmly believe in giving notes to others to ensure that the standard set on the first night is maintained . ’
16 Comlon guarantees to its customers provision of fresh fruit and/or vegetables of consistently high quality and therefore the Managers in the Purchasing Department are constantly seeking to improve procedures to ensure that the necessary supply of a wide range of fruits and vegetables is available in each of their distribution depots — in Athens , Bonn , Frankfurt , Hong Kong , Kuala Lumpur , London , Madrid , Paris , Perth , Rome , Singapore and Sydney .
17 ‘ But in Middlesbrough we are determined to ensure that the minimum number of houses are left empty for the minimum amount of time .
18 It can again be seen that the credit manager can play a significant part in advising on the construction and overhaul of information systems to ensure that the essential feedback on project performance is forthcoming .
19 The selection of the lead cases was aimed to ensure that the great majority of the very important points of law which are at issue in all cases are authoritatively decided , and it is hoped that , as a result , clear guidance will be given to the large number of remaining cases which are stayed , leading to settlements ( or at least the elimination of some issues common to the lead cases ) and the avoidance of a multiplicity of litigation .
20 Apart from the 1 per cent who have their own private supplies , the great majority of the UK population rely upon the decisions of the water suppliers to ensure that the great bulk of the water we drink and cook with is ‘ wholesome ’ .
21 One main role of the Party was to ensure that the appropriate degree of acclamation was produced .
22 In modules of type PACKAGE , the keywords LATEST-ISSUE-IN-FILE , SELECTED-ISSUE [ issue number ] -IN-FILE , and PREFERRED-ISSUE-IN-FILE are used to ensure that the appropriate version of the module specified is included in the package .
23 We must recognise that it will have to be the consumer who pays , and it is up to animal welfare organisations such as the RSPCA to ensure that the increased price for food will be seen to be acceptable because of an improvement both in animal welfare and environmental protection .
24 ‘ We can look forward to working with France in international efforts to ensure that the temporary suspension of testing by two of the five nuclear weapons states — Russia and France — becomes permanent , and that the other three join them . ’
25 They , in turn , must then be distributed back into the system to ensure that the overall level of funding provided by the government is unchanged ( line – .
26 As long as shareholders are principally distant institutions , it will become ever more important to ensure that the annual auditing of accounts is done in as independent and thorough a way as possible ; if shareholders wished , that audit could then be extended into more general strategic matters .
27 Its main task would be to ensure that the environmental impact of military activities were kept to a minimum .
28 SOUTH Down MP Eddie McGrady has called on Agriculture Minister Lord Arran to ensure that the first instalment of the Beef Special Premium is paid at the beginning of November .
29 It was necessary , if we were to meet the target of 1 April 1993 for introduction of the tax , to ensure that the first step towards the levying of the tax — the valuation of properties — was begun as soon as possible .
30 The net effect of these injunctions ( as well as others we shall meet later ) is to ensure that the natural inability of human beings to respond ‘ perfectly ’ to all situations , however demanding or paradoxical , is construed by those human beings as clear evidence of personal inadequacy : they lack the ability , resilience or ready-made savoir-faire that they somehow ought to have , in limitless supply , if they are to be able to look themselves in the eye in the bathroom mirror each morning .
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