Example sentences of "moved from [noun sg] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They will want to know why we did not appreciate the inconvenience and stupidity of having to change currency constantly as one moved from country to country in the Community .
2 They moved from cover to cover within the compound , advancing towards the rear of the battle , following the sounds that would lead them to their own side and to news of the day 's progress .
3 It also led to closer contacts between the dancers as they moved from picture to picture within the design .
4 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
5 An evening with a breeze ; I could see movement in the bracken that edged the track , and cloud-shadows moved from time to time over the sea-pinks .
6 And in adulthood John moved from job to job without settling .
7 These men — and overwhelmingly they were men — came from large , poor families , moved from job to job in catering and manual work and were unable to save out of their meagre earnings .
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