Example sentences of "failure [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The failure to attend to the Palestinian problem was put aside as Israel stood its ground with dignity .
2 ‘ Because on the hour means just that and failure to transmit at the given time usually means one thing .
3 In other words , while the court would not have imposed liability in respect of the decision itself ( except if it had been perverse ) failure to go through the preliminary steps of obtaining essential information could have grounded liability .
4 This failure to invest for the long term can be seen also in innovation , the development of new ideas and products .
5 Cocoa prices in 1989 also tumbled to a 14-year low owing to the sixth consecutive year of oversupply on the world market ( estimated at between 100,000-154,000 tonnes for 1989-90 ) ; failure to agree on the minimum price to be defended and continuing problems stemming from unpaid producer levies , estimated in 1989 to be well over $100,000 million .
6 Failure to agree on the basic principles of caring for refugee children started a running battle between liberal and orthodox exponents of Judaism which lasted throughout the war and beyond .
7 Failure to proceed with the nursing reforms will have catastrophic consequences .
8 The designer is provided , therefore , with an early indication of the mechanism 's failure to meet with the specified operating conditions .
9 A study by Robert Gordon , at Northwestern University , estimated that America 's inflation rate was overstated by 1.5-2% a year between 1947 and 1983 because of the failure to adjust for the improving quality of consumer durables .
10 Our failure to adjust to the modern world will then become ever more serious .
11 A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void .
12 Is not the ultimate in short-termism the Government 's failure to listen to the widespread demand from industry for a long-term industrial policy for Britain ?
13 The ultimate sanction for failure to comply with the various controls are criminal in character , even if the penalties available are relatively slight .
14 ( 1 ) Non-registration Failure to comply with the various registration requirements leads , as one would expect , to liability to fines .
15 Illegality meant that the decision-maker must understand correctly the law that regulates his power and must give effect to it ; irrationality connoted Wednesbury unreasonableness ; and procedural impropriety covered a breach of natural justice or failure to comply with the procedural rules in the enabling legislation .
16 The following paragraphs focus upon the right to cancel for failure to comply with the requisite formalities , as this is likely to be most important in practice .
17 The surety covenant increases the value of the reversion in that the landlord can look not only to the tenant but also to the sureties for the payment of a sum equal to the rent and for damages for failure to comply with the other tenant 's covenants .
18 The court recognised that it did have a discretion under the Rules of the Supreme Court to allow service to stand despite the failure to comply with the relevant Rules , but declined to do so on the facts ; it would take ‘ a very strong case ’ , for example express representation by the defendant that the method of service adopted was lawful , before the discretion would be exercised .
19 Although the taking of professional advice is a material circumstance , the substantial cause of the failure to comply with the statutory time limit is one of the matters for investigation .
20 It will no doubt investigate what was the substantial cause of the employee 's failure to comply with the statutory time limit ; whether he had been physically prevented from complying with the limitation period , for instance by illness or a postal strike , or something similar .
21 In any event it will probably be relevant in most cases for the Industrial Tribunal to ask itself whether there has been any substantial fault on the part of the employee or his adviser which has led to the failure to comply with the statutory time limit
22 Since the regime began , the English Institute has withdrawn registration from nine firms , usually as a result of lack of fit and proper status , lack of technical competence or failure to comply with the PII regulations .
23 These tutors then blame the Board when they discover that their failure to comply with the basic rules means that their students ’ ( through no fault of their own ) do not have their examination results declared , a situation that has , unbelievably , happened twice in the past year !
24 In part this has been due to a failure to look at the right parts of the higher order visual cortex , using the right stimuli .
25 Unlike their failure to collaborate in the atomic field , the two countries did decide to work together on missiles .
26 Your statement misrepresented the educational influences upon you in your early career and sought to excuse your failure to deal with the established links between poverty and ill health .
27 In a speech in Gloucester tonight he 's expected to launch a bitter attack on the Government 's failure to deal with the current wave of crime .
28 [ That this House regrets the Government 's failure to deal with the imminent threat of wholesale breaches of the law on Sunday trading ; expresses concern that Ministers appear to be running away from their responsibility to uphold the law as soon as one or more large commercial organisations express their intention to ignore the law ; greatly regrets the way that this situation puts pressure on responsible and law-abiding retailers to open on Sundays simply to protect their market share ; further regrets the damage that is likely to be done to small shops and family businesses as a consequence ; considers that sensible progress to modernising the law should be made on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special ; and calls on the Government actively to pursue the regulation of Sunday trading in a way which deals fairly with employees , their families and with community and commercial interests . ]
29 The withdrawal of SSP or sickness allowance will apply where there is no acceptable reason for the failure to notify within the respective time limits .
30 QUAGMIRE is the mess which the country is in due to the failure to react to the worsening recession .
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