Example sentences of "seem to have [been] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Operating in a bleeding French market , Compagnie des Machines Bull SA has a rapidly vanishing mainframe base , personal computer problems that only seem to have been exacerbated by the acquisition of Zenith Data Systems , which looks like a source of profitless volume , and a Unix strategy that is only just getting off the ground .
2 The first published tensile tests seem to have been done by the French philosopher and musician Marin Mersenne ( 1588–1648 ) who was interested in the strength of the wires used in musical instruments .
3 In fact , all notions about the theory of relativity seem to have been extracted from the symbol .
4 To some extent the East Anglian lands seem to have been exploited for the benefit of the northern retinue , and the same attitude can be seen in the use of some of the de Vere lands to endow Gloucester 's new college at Middleham .
5 To some extent the East Anglian lands seem to have been exploited for the benefit of the northern retinue , and the same attitude can be seen in the use of some of the de Vere lands to endow Gloucester 's new college at Middleham .
6 Tam Dalyell 's thoughts on the need for lead in petrol ( Forum , 31 March , p 908 ) seem to have been shaped by the glossy publications of a lead alkyl manufacturer .
7 American railway architects in this period seem to have been fascinated by the notion of the integration of the station offices with the train-shed , for many of the stations which emerged from the grander developments of the 1850s and 1860s consisted of side buildings with the trains running into the interior through grand portals .
8 In fact , ever since the beginning of the year you seem to have been toying with the idea of making a major career move or change of residence and what transpires sometimes between October 29 and November 3 should enable you to rebuild and reshape your life — and the past with all its traumas and dramas will be placed in their true perspective , if not forgotten altogether .
9 The great majority of Krupp 's skilled men , and indeed of all German machine-building enterprises , seem to have been trained on the job in this way .
10 Inevitably he painted ‘ La Canadienne ’ , but although she was deeply in love , Modigliani 's emotions never seem to have been engaged in the affair .
11 Some lessons seem to have been learnt from the failures of the 1980s .
12 Most of the key decisions on military and political expenditure overseas in this period seem to have been taken in the Defence Committee , and simply endorsed by the Cabinet .
13 The only real grumbles are that the tagging system does n't go far enough , a column and page breaking tag is essential , and that the keyboard shortcuts for the PC version seem to have been changed from the earlier version .
14 The heaviest copper head from Ife weighs almost 7 kg so the Ife smiths seem to have been working at the limits of this technique .
15 In some cases , these may represent the personal belongings of the dead person , but many of the grave goods , such as food and coins , seem to have been buried for the benefit of the dead person in the after-life .
16 In the 1930s , both Nicolae Ceauşescu and Elena Petrescu seem to have been introduced to the Communist Party by relatives who had already made their way to Bucharest from the country .
17 Agricultural produce flowed into it from the surrounding rural territory , some from estates which seem to have been owned by the temple , the rest in the form of tribute or offerings from the owners of private estates .
18 Yet , the dangers of centralisation certainly seem to have been avoided in the main spending area , that of system engineering .
19 The incubation period may be up to one year , and this makes it difficult in many cases to decide from whom the warts have been caught ; not only that , but they often seem to have been seeded on the principle adhered to by market gardeners , to give successive crops over a long period .
20 A better name would seem to be Cadomian , after the Roman name for Caen in Normandy , where all the Precambrian sediments seem to have been tectonised before the beginning of the early Palaeozoic .
21 There are criticisms , but in fact the majority of criticisms seem to have been directed at the faults in the administrative procedures , as opposed to problems with the syllabus or assessment procedures .
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