Example sentences of "seem [to-vb] [vb pp] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They all seem to get hit in the head nowadays .
2 So from the mid century onwards many working-class women seem to have retreated into the home , and by the end of the nineteenth century a conscious ideology was constructing the role of housewife and mother .
3 seem to have gone down the drain a bit .
4 ‘ As you seem to have seen through the subterfuge from the very first moment , why did you agree to this trip ? ’
5 ‘ You seem to have fallen from the top of a Christmas tree , Fräulein , ’ he said spitefully .
6 They seem to have peaked in the winter when nature itself can be grey enough , or maybe I just remember them as peaking in the winter .
7 On project management , many SSDs seem to have struggled with the notion that the changes should be led by a dedicated manager and teams with specific responsibilities and timescales .
8 The Garlands seem to have merged into the landscape .
9 Most seem to have lived on the sea floor , champing their way through mud .
10 The first ones seem to have lived in the sea , but by the Silurian the jawless ( Agnathan ) fish were a prominent component of fresh- and brackish-water sites in many areas of the world , and continued to diversify into the Devonian period .
11 Although the Unix International/OSF wars seem to have abated at the moment , ‘ there is always an excuse for them to rip each others hearts out , leaving Bill Gates to have the market , ’ says Rothstein .
12 Between the Cuckmere valley and the kingdom of Kent settled a group whose identity remained fairly coherent until the days of the Norman conquest but of whose political influence we know but little ; these Haestingas seem to have come within the South Saxon ambit but served also as a buffer in the continued kingly wars of the early centuries .
13 These marine reptiles have a higher chance of preservation than many of the terrestrial species , and their carcasses often seem to have sunk to the sea floor , so that some localities have yielded numerous complete specimens .
14 But could you comment , and no doubt Mr Curtis will also want to amplify why York er seem to have cooled on the idea .
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