Example sentences of "moving [prep] a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The perspective of the dream must have shifted several times , for I saw her once as if from above , moving through a kind of square , or crossing place , and then again from the fixed point of the dream where I stood watching her , left forefront .
2 The man had stopped pacing now ; he was talking , at first quietly , so that she could only see his lips moving through a screen of ferns , then he began arguing , gesticulating , running through the phrases again and again like an actor in rehearsal , pleading with someone who was n't there .
3 He returned to Germany for good in 1857 , moving for a time to Berlin to be near Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia ( ‘ Fritz ’ and ‘ Vicky ’ ) .
4 The Treasury is looking at ‘ resource accounting' , an accruals-type system , and is moving towards a system of valuation for fixed assets based on replacement cost .
5 The CNAA knew from the first meeting of its sub-committee to discuss courses in education , in July 1965 , that the DES was moving towards a policy of teacher education in some technical colleges , and that the DES thought it reasonable that they should come to the CNAA for validation .
6 The balance of modern thinking in risk assessment and regulation is therefore moving towards a combination of codes and standards with ‘ goal setting ’ .
7 His thought had been moving towards an idea of nature , not unlike that found in some Stoic philosophers , as a complex of processes subject to their own natural law .
8 After Joyce … it seems that we are more and more moving towards an age of fiction in which … invention and imagination may finally become the subject of the book .
9 Moving like a boy in treacle , I rotate on the axis of my right knee and pick up the yard and a half of large bore nozzle between hands slick with sweat .
10 He turned around slowly , moving like a man in pain .
11 She went , moving like a sleepwalker past Ned O'Mara , who might even be in love with her , past the ginger-haired barmaid who would have been happy to settle for Ned and therefore hated her , past the mousy-haired barmaid who had a good man of her own and could therefore afford to pity her .
12 … without a much increased output of mathematics graduates moving into a range of jobs , the UK faces considerable problems … .
13 In 1935 it might have seemed as if Hollywood was moving into a period of labour and political films but such was not the case .
14 Since moving into a gymnasium in Florida and working with Vic Andreetti , a former British champion from the East End of London , Benn has taken on a new mantle .
15 Since moving into a gymnasium in Florida and working with Vic Andreetti , a former British champion from the East End of London , Benn has taken on a new mantle .
16 Re-reading the paper which formed the background to this presentation , I am struck most of all by the difficulties there are in moving from a statement in critique — containing arguments about the weaknesses in our current models of design understanding , such as our failure to be able to define satisfactorily either design phenomena or design activity or to assert powerfully enough , and at the right levels , design 's wider social significance — to positive statements ; to being able to say this is the phenomena with which design is concerned , this is the nature of design activity , this , therefore , is the significance of design — epistemologically , socially , and practically .
17 After the design specifications and requirements have been defined the further course of the project is typically as shown in Figure 6.2 , moving in a continuum through design , process engineering and manufacturing stages to the final product , with inputs from sales forecasts to guide each stage .
18 After the design specifications and requirements have been defined the further course of the project is typically as shown in Figure 6.2 , moving in a continuum through design , process engineering and manufacturing stages to the final product , with inputs from sales forecasts to guide each stage .
19 On 22 June , when the Prime Minister was asking for a corps of at least 5,000 parachutists , the commando idea was moving in a number of directions .
20 There was someone moving on a hill in front of the house .
21 Still , in focusing on the collective character of disputes , we are moving to a level of analysis that includes the wider framework of economic and political changes .
22 ‘ I 'm thinking of moving to a room on Campden Hill , ’ he added .
23 The two Deputy Heads of the School were replaced , on his retirement , and on moving to an appointment at Reading University .
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