Example sentences of "attempt [to-vb] [noun sg] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Far Eastern Economic Review reported on Sept. 28 that Myanma sources and diplomatic observers had dismissed these allegations as an attempt to discredit the NLD and as an attempt to bolster unity in the Army which had fought the insurgent CPB for many years .
2 The increasing concern for inflation , felt during the 1970s , meant that governments restricted the price rises of nationalised industries in an attempt to moderate inflation in the economy as a whole .
3 The attempt to reduce liquidity in the economy through high real interest rates was the government 's main mistake .
4 AN ATTEMPT to lift confidence in the Government 's control of the economy will be made tomorrow when the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , is expected to deliver an austerity Budget with a promise of recovery on the horizon .
5 ( Quoted in LISC Report , 1984 ) Against this background the ESSE/L Project is particularly to be welcomed , not only as an attempt to improve provision in the county but as a potential model for other authorities to follow in attempting to correct a generally unsatisfactory situation .
6 The nominalist impulse , therefore , which originates from the attempt to make generality in the world a creation of mind — thus allowing the extra-mental world to consist only of particulars — eventually leads to trying to explain the powers of the mind entirely in terms of the work of particulars .
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