Example sentences of "carried [adv prt] in [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The coach work was carried on in the trimming shop which was in Friary Lane but , from then on , Farr 's business was on a downward path , finally closing in 1929 .
2 This is usually carried out in a London hospital or other UK hospital specialising in bone marrow transplants .
3 A study was carried out in a Bedfordshire village , i.e. a semi-rural environment , of predation by domestic cats over a one-year period and the results were published in a zoological journal in 1987 .
4 I later witnessed exactly the same procedure carried out in a Budapest café with such leisurely incompetence , that everything was completely waterlogged before they began .
5 Conversations with pupils about ‘ handicap ’ have already been carried out in a pilot study .
6 The process can be carried out in a micro-wave oven .
7 All these operations should be carried out in a fume cupboard as the vapours are harmful , and surgical gloves should be used to protect the hands from the dye .
8 All operations involving HF should be carried out in a fume cupboard , and the operator protected with gloves and goggles .
9 The steps were carried out in a fume hood subjected to ultraviolet light and hydrochloric acid washes between experiments .
10 Straight holding and in vitro injection pipettes are appropriate for manipulations carried out in a manipulation chamber .
11 It is part of the daily truck in street markets ; it the kind of thing which turns on the average car dealer ; it is part and parcel of many of the transactions carried out in the building trade and cash or at least early settlement means a better price for the retailer when negotiating with a manufacturer .
12 The tests will be carried out in the specialist bone marrow unit , which is planning the world-first transplant on the boy at the centre of a legal tussle over the closure of the Westminster Children 's Hospital .
13 The tests will be carried out in the specialist bone marrow unit which is planning the world-first transplant on the boy .
14 ‘ A key feature of this process is that the assessment will be carried out in the work place by competent trainers/assessors nominated by the managers . ’
15 The research is being carried out in the North West as this region is one of the largest providers of local authority unstaffed homes .
16 Yet another youth project of a rather specialist nature is being carried out in the north east area .
17 Their ideas grew out of research carried out in the electronics industry where companies face high rates of technological change .
18 Inspection and servicing of each of the platforms was to be carried out in the survey ship 's main docking bay .
19 In a somewhat terse paper — it being considered that the more substantial analysis of principles had been carried out in the HMI document A View of the Curriculum — it was maintained that throughout the period of compulsory schooling , from 5–16 , all pupils should undertake study in English , mathematics , science , religious education , and physical education .
20 Londonderry-based Trust members recently visited Armagh to discover the work being carried out in the city centre area .
21 Working up trials were carried out in the Solent area and we soon found that various modifications were necessary .
22 Before the building of the pierheads and bridges commenced , tests were carried out in the Solway Firth .
23 In addition to the work being carried out in the UNEP HQ at Nairobi and in the GEMS/GRID site in Geneva , a series of GRID regional nodes are now being set up world-wide , each equipped with the same hardware and software and local subsets of the data .
24 The rebuilding and refurbishment carried out in the reactor building at Hunterston B have provided a more pleasant and more easily cleaned environment .
25 The analysis from E G get the card attached to your work card inscribe the basic information , followed up by research carried out in the resource centre .
26 Further field investigations have been carried out in the Orissa region of India .
27 They will perform a ‘ live ’ density measurement of the oil as it is being loaded onto tankers — instead of having the laboratory do a sample test after loading is completed — and temperature measurement will carried out in the oil stream , a more accurate method than the current measurement at the loading headers . ’
28 Whereas artificial insemination is a simple technique , which can be carried out in an outpatients department , or even at home , in vitro fertilization needs to be performed by highly skilled practitioners and requires sophisticated laboratory facilities .
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