Example sentences of "carried [adv] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The remainder deflected downwards into the rear pressurised compartment , went straight through the conduit carrying the cables to the lower rear turret , then carried on into the rear gunner 's position , perforating the hatch and embedding itself in the lagging on the armour plating at the rear of the position .
2 Research is , of course , carried on outside the corporate sector in universities and other institutions of learning ; even so , these bodies are increasingly dependent on commercial sponsorship , and corporate funds tend to flow more readily into projects identified by , or otherwise of interest to , the sponsor .
3 " I shall only allow those boys to use the range who have attained considerable proficiency in their physical exercises and drill ; and all shooting will be carried on under the strictest supervision .
4 All this conversation was carried on with the greatest difficulty .
5 They may only be carried on with the local authority 's consent , and
6 Debts were carried on to the next account ; there was certainly none of the easy attitude of the old 17th Century German masters who regularly wrote workers ' debts off .
7 These procedures carried on until the 1939–45 war .
8 The effect of the section is to make the principal responsible to investors for the business carried on by the appointed representative .
9 The medium of continuous recording prompted the inclusion of bridging scenes to allow one group of characters time to go off one set and onto another while the action is carried on by the second group of characters .
10 Five years The tenant 's right to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , may be excluded or modified by agreement unless : ( 1 ) during the whole of the five years immediately preceding the date on which the tenant , under a tenancy to which the Act applies is to quit the holding , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if , during those five years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was a successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1958 , s38(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
11 Fourteen years The tenant will be entitled ( in certain circumstances ) to compensation under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37 , equal to the production of the appropriate multiplier and twice the rateable value of the holding if : ( 1 ) during the whole of the fourteen years immediately preceding the termination of his tenancy , premises being or comprised in the holding have been occupied for the purposes of a business carried on by the occupier or for those and other purposes ; and ( 2 ) if during those fourteen years , there was a change in the occupier of the premises , the new occupier was the successor to the business carried on by the old occupier ( Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 , s37(2) , ( 3 ) ) .
12 After Young 's death his work was carried on by the French Egyptologist Jean-Francois Champollion ( 1790–1832 ) .
13 Here had been the baroque brothels , where wenching had been carried on in the grand manner .
14 Example 2:13 Right to display advertisement permitted by regulations The right to display in and on the demised property any advertisement permitted to be displayed without the express consent of the local planning authority by virtue of the Town and Country Planning ( Control of Advertisements ) Regulations 1992 or any modification or replacement thereof Example 2:14 Right to display advertisement in prescribed form The right to display on the front door of the demised property a name plate not exceeding in area and advertising the business carried on in the demised property and to display the name or style of that business on the name board situated in the entrance hall of the building of which the demised property forms part with letters provided by the landlord
15 He was not involved in any way with the mining that was carried on in the surrounding area , but he was greatly affected by the frequent serious and often fatal accidents suffered by the miners through premature blasting explosions .
16 He said he just carried on in the same direction .
17 Our goal is solely to establish whether , in a practical ensemble torn apart by antagonism ( whether there are multiple conflicts or whether they are reduced to one ) the breaks themselves are totalizing and carried along by the totalizing movement of the ensemble .
18 Now , thanks in no small measure to his own contribution to the Hampshire cause , he has one ; and the only disappointment is that the climax of the match was watched by only about 8000 people , as the weather caused it to be carried over into the second day .
19 Given that the decision has now been taken by Parliament to extend the law to cover recordings , broadcasts and cable programmes , it may be wondered whether the exemption for these should have been automatically carried over into the new law .
20 Such attitudes were far removed from the world of the fictional Sir Joseph Bowlem in Dickens 's Chimes short story who boasted ‘ I allow nothing to be carried over into the New Year ; every description of account is settled in this house at the close of the old one ’ , and the real life employee of Manders the Wolverhampton paintmakers who scribbled on the flyleaf of a 1896 catalogue :
21 The principle of counting to ensure pastoral care and effective deployment of manpower is carried over into the New Testament .
22 This policy was to be carried over into the post-independence period .
23 The Government confirmed that the Bill would not proceed — it fell with the dissolution of Parliament on 16 March ( unfinished legislation can not be carried over to the new parliament ) .
24 Bell had done original design work on a defunct prop-powered XP–59 and that designation was carried over to the new effort in an attempt to mask the true nature of the project .
25 an over-ambitious agenda which takes too long to complete or has to be carried over to the next meeting .
26 At the 40th session of the UNHCR Executive Committee in October 1989 the 43 member states adopted a general programme budget of $190,000,000 for the first six months of 1990 only ; after extensive debate at an extraordinary session in May 1990 and at the regular session in October , the Executive Committee finally adopted a general programme budget for 1990 amounting to $378,885,900 , including the $38,000,000 deficit carried over from the previous year .
27 They would have preferred process control and development staff to have established the new processes , and would have preferred to recruit ‘ green labour ’ to the new machines so that ‘ bad habits ’ would not have been carried over from the old production process .
28 Here , everyone had been friendly , and the difference carried through to the whole club .
29 These sorts of books have such an excellent hardback sale which is not always carried through to the same extent with the paperback .
30 Here , we describe the range of activities commonly carried through by the Scotch Whisky companies before considering , in Section 3 , how we might measure the employment they support .
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