Example sentences of "responsibility for [verb] the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was involved in planning the activities with the advisory teacher and took on full responsibility for organising the equipment for each session .
2 Whilst the pure search work may be sub-contracted to other specialist departments , MAS should have principal responsibility for monitoring the progress of the search process ( particularly ensuring that time is not being spent researching targets outside the purchaser 's price range ) and drawing together all the findings .
3 However , a provincial offical says privately that it merely outlines ‘ the need for commonality on such elements as income replacement and survivors ’ benefits but leaves to each province responsibility for determining the level of compensation ’ .
4 The responsibility for determining the source of most public services rests exclusively with parliament .
5 Attracting people to apply for posts in an organisation requires more than placing appealing advertisements in local news.papers , although that also is important , It requires the involvement of more than one or two members of staff with a responsibility for promoting the image of nursing .
6 Giles 's proposal to make them subservient to government agents was rejected , but they were given some responsibility for supervising the work of both the regular police and the headmen , who were now designated the ‘ rural police ’ .
7 It is our hope that the Department of Social Security will move in keeping with the findings of the all party parliamentary select committee on social security to correct this underfunding before the responsibility for meeting the cost of residential care in the community is transferred from the D S S to local authorities a year from now .
8 The economy 's heavy reliance on trade combined with government responsibility for maintaining the value of sterling , made the balance of payments a central issue of the political economy of the period [ Beckerman , 1972 ; Dornbusch and Fisher , 1980 ] .
9 Even when intervention is compatible with official pay restraint policy , it may still be covert since politicians may not wish to take public responsibility for influencing the outcome of a specific case and prefer to see the opprobrium attached to management .
10 On the contrary , such systems are specifically being promoted by product manufacturers as a means of protecting sectional interests , as a means of furthering the interests of those with responsibility for managing the consumption of energy in non-domestic premises .
11 The answer to this question is of concern to government because it has responsibility for managing the economy in the interests of the community .
12 The details of the transition were agreed by the Advanced Courses Policy Sub-Committee which has responsibility for overseeing the implementation of the Development Programme .
13 Reiner Gohlke , executive president of the Treuhandanstalt ( trustee agency ) which had responsibility for overseeing the restructuring of the state-owned businesses in East Germany , resigned on Aug. 20 because of policy disagreements with other members of the governing board [ see p. 37536 for his appointment where his post is wrongly given as chair ] .
14 Where accommodation is provided for a child ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority , the home authority may take over responsibility for accommodating the child within three months of receiving written notification of the situation ( s20(2) ) .
15 The government 's Technical Commission had been given responsibility for providing the mechanism for an orderly poll for which 130,000,000 lei ( about US$6,500,000 ) was set aside .
16 Fostering Society awareness at a local level can be a great help — stamping membership cards in areas was suggested — From the objectives stated in our Development Plan in the first year , it is calculated that the minimum Membership needed for 1987 will be 3,300 — and the responsibility for recruiting the majority of this must rest with our Q.T. 's — the burden can be eased by working together on local projects and targets have been set for each area to reach by the end of this academic year .
17 Scriven has charged evaluators with the responsibility for judging the merit of an educational practice .
18 The moral of the whole story is that you really do have to take the responsibility for making the choice of PC yourself .
19 Eventually he is sent to a liberal English school where his emergence into adulthood converges with an increasing political awareness and realization that it is up to the individual to rake responsibility for altering the world around him .
20 To this end , it has encouraged the appointment of specific individuals , called energy managers with responsibility for regulating the consumption of energy .
21 The Central Electoral Bureau , which included opposition representatives , had responsibility for ensuring the fairness of the vote at the 13,000 polling stations around the country and for scrutinising the ballots and adjudicating disputes .
22 European Community Commissioners are appointed by common accord of the member states , but the main responsibility for ensuring the accountability of the Commission rests with the European Parliament .
23 In any event the civil war was the ultimate sort of turning point which defined that the national government er had a responsibility for ensuring the permanence of the union and it took that responsibility so seriously it was prepared to engage in what was then the bloodiest war in human history .
24 In some ( e.g. scientific publications ) the Publication Officer also has the responsibility for disseminating the publication to the appropriate ‘ targets ’ .
25 Even where it is positively established that the right person was questioned , who by being present at the time had the nominal responsibility for cleaning the surface in question , the true reason for the fault may lie elsewhere being the result of one or other of the following factors :
26 SCOTVEC 's eight Sector Boards will have the key responsibility for investigating the acceptability of particular groups of units .
27 This will operate outside all other apparatus and will have ongoing responsibility for co-ordinating the approach to violence and aggressive behaviour as well as updating policy .
28 Three of the peers accepted : Lord Woolton , the hugely successful wartime Minister of Food and begetter of ‘ Woolton Pies ’ , became Lord President , with responsibility for co-ordinating the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Ministry of Food ; Lord Leathers , former Minister of War Transport , became overlord for the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation and the Ministry of Fuel and Power ; Lord Cherwell , ‘ the Prof ’ , Churchill 's personal boffin in wartime , returned to his old post of Paymaster General with responsibility for co-ordinating work on the Bomb , scientific research and development generally , and Churchill 's revived personal think-tank , the Statistical Branch .
29 He suggested that the peacetime Ministry of Labour should assume responsibility for co-ordinating the implementation of a full employment policy .
30 Within this pattern , the responsibility for planning the shape of the discourse rests with the dominant partner — the teacher .
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