Example sentences of "gives [art] [adj] [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the tragedies , though , Shakespeare gives the direct address to the hypocrites , not to their exposers .
2 It gives the brief papers to a conference on problem adolescents , held after a five year exchange of child care policy makers , practitioners and researchers from England and the Carolinas .
3 The one year Postgraduate Diploma in Crop Protection ( CNAA validated ) gives the ideal start to a good career .
4 I do n't think we ought to provide it because that just means it gives the wrong impression to the officers I have to say .
5 It is a handsome conversion and gives a catholic flavour to a street which used to be the exclusive preserve of contemporary Western art .
6 The sun illuminating the canopy of heaven , reflects its lustre on the earth below , and gives a delicate distinction to every distance on the picture , and to every object its due place , in all the regular gradation of aerial perspective . ’
7 It gives a strange luminosity to the hills , especially under a dark sky , adding almost a lunar atmosphere to the landscapes .
8 It gives a terrific boost to the volume of your hair , and it can also be used for styling a few special details , because it stays pliable while you create them .
9 The parallelism of " inferior to none in pleasant conceits " and " superior to all in honest conditions " gives a schematic balance to the image of something light ( " pleasant conceits " ) being weighed against something heavy ( " honest conditions " ) , underlining the faulty logic of Euphues 's youthful mind .
10 It gives a good sense to the idea that a weakly verifiable statement can only be confirmed or disconfirmed , and never conclusively verified .
11 The 14 page introduction gives a good background to the history of the area , which really makes you want to get out there .
12 This method of obscuring chords only in higher registers is quite usual , as it gives a good equilibrium to the harmony .
13 This list is of vital importance , for it gives a broad approach to the curriculum which can unite the profession .
14 Table 11.1 gives a general guide to the number of time zones between the United Kingdom and other countries .
15 Poulantzas ' explanation gives a key role to the relation between the capitalist state and capitalist ideology .
16 One of the first things that struck troops fresh to the Verdun battlefield was the fearful stench of putrefaction ; ‘ so disgusting that it almost gives a certain charm to the odour of gas shells ’ .
17 An Italian flair does not go amiss in the Elgar : Accardo 's impetuosity gives a new slant to the score , his intensity in the Andante an immediacy .
18 Whether or not we will shortly have a passive computer lobby , it certainly gives a new meaning to the hacking cough .
19 He gives a definite shape to a side in that he gets his hands on the ball and keeps moving forward .
20 It gives a useful introduction to the subject and via the bibliography the reader will be able to gain entry into the specialist literature .
21 To that end , will my right hon. Friend tell the Irish Government that their constitutional claim to Northern Ireland gives a spurious justification to the IRA 's expressed determination to drive the British out of the island of Ireland ?
22 The second point on which Tony Crosland gives a rare hostage to the future relates to streaming and setting within the comprehensive school .
23 The roof of the carriage projects six inches over the body , and rises in the form of a dome towards the centre , where a ventilating apparatus is fixed , surmounted by a colossal gilt crown , which gives a striking finish to the exterior design .
24 As with other invertebrates the combination of brachiopod types in an assemblage gives a quick clue to the age .
25 The foreword is by Chris Bonington who gives a deserved endorsement to the book and to Greenbank 's credentials as the provider of such enjoyable escapism .
26 marketing manager of Williams Refrigeration Limited , gives a brief guide to the selection of refrigerators , consideration of kitchen design and an explanation of the chief technical features of refrigeration .
27 It does not provide a comprehensive explanation of every facility offered but rather gives a brief introduction to the most commonly used methods involved in the financial side of exporting .
28 This paper gives a brief introduction to the scope and development of the Text Encoding Initiative 's Recommendations , published in July 1993 .
29 Mr Scott Morgan gives a generous tribute to the work of Edward Griffith , who wrote the first book on the BCR , and explains that this new work does not replace the earlier one , but compliments it .
30 The grant gives a significant boost to the National Park Authority 's Barns and Walls Conservation Scheme to protect drystone walls and scattered stone field barns in upper Swaledale and Arkengarthdale .
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