Example sentences of "application [prep] [noun sg] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 Held , allowing the appeal and granting the applications , that since on an application for the grant of leave under section 8 no question with regard to a child 's upbringing was determined , and since section 10(9) stipulated particular matters , including parental wishes , to which the court was to have regard on such an application , section 1(1) did not apply so as to make the children 's welfare the paramount consideration on an application for leave to apply for a residence order made by a person other than the child concerned ; and that , accordingly , the judge had applied the wrong test ; that as a result of his failure to require that the mother be notified of the application the judge had been deprived of additional material necessary to the proper exercise of his discretion ; and that in the exercise of a fresh discretion , having regard to the new evidence and to the circumstances of the case , the foster mother 's application for leave would be refused ( post , pp. 428G — 429F , 430F , 431C–E ) .
2 She was not told of the foster mother 's application for leave to apply for a residence order and knew nothing about it until after leave had been granted .
3 The foster mother 's application for leave to apply for a residence order under section 8 was governed by section 10(9) which provides :
4 In my judgment the judge was wrong in holding that on an application for leave to apply for a section 8 order by a person other than the child concerned , the child 's welfare is the paramount consideration .
5 ( 1 ) In granting or refusing an application for leave to apply for a section 8 order , the court is not determining a question with respect to the upbringing of the child concerned .
6 ( 2 ) Some of the express provisions of section 10(9) — for example paragraphs ( c ) and ( d ) ( i ) — as to the matters to which the court is to have particular regard in deciding an application for leave to apply for a section 8 order would be otiose if the whole application were subject to the overriding provisions of section 1(1). ( 3 ) There would have been little point in Parliament providing that the court was to have particular regard to the wishes and feelings of the child 's parent , if the whole decision were to be subject to the overriding ( paramount ) consideration of the child 's welfare .
7 594 ) , that on an application for leave to apply for a residence order with respect to a child in the care of a local authority : ‘ Only in quite exceptional cases would leave be granted against the wishes of the local authority . ’
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