Example sentences of "nor [modal v] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nor may they have any business arrangement which constrains them when recommending investments for you or instructing some other agency to deal with your business .
2 Nor should you use any remedies of this type if a white , crystalline precipitate is visible in the bottle ; however tempting it might be to use up chemicals bought in the spring .
3 Nor could he ignore American enthusiasm for British membership of the EEC , in part to ensure a better balance among the states of Western Europe , but also in the hope that Britain would strengthen those in the Community who favoured more liberal and outward looking economic policies .
4 She would not mind it , nor would she take any heed of it .
5 Nor would it grow any lighter .
6 But an RUC spokeswoman said : ‘ Neither pedestrianisation nor security cameras are an answer in themselves , nor will they prevent further incidents .
7 Administered prices may accomplish a variety of ends , but not the balancing of supply with demand ( for social reasons , meat is cheap so there usually is no meat ) ; nor will they reflect real alternatives and scarcities ( hence the metal content of Soviet machinery is 25 per cent greater than in their American equivalents , and energy consumption per unit of GNP is almost twice that in Western Europe ) .
8 Those who place orders will not normally accept any great degree of risk that the supplier will go out of business before the order is delivered , nor will they place large orders with firms whose working capital and liquidity appears unsound or badly managed ; * the placing of Conditions on Potential orders such that suppliers : must conform to specified quality control Procedures such as those specified by the UK quality standard BS 5750 .
9 ‘ I 'm not planning any runners on the allweather tracks nor will I have any jump runners this winter .
10 cantona will not play any more home games at Old Trafford because ‘ it does not feel right ’ nor will he play more games in Paris ‘ because he is not in love with Paris anymore ’ and thus will not be playing for France for their vital clash with Bulgaria unless ‘ le match ’ is moved to another city … ( the first is a joke — the second is true ; at least according to norw. papers )
11 As Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury , he has yet to experience a single quarter 's growth in output ( excluding oil revenues ) , but nor will he accept any blame for the recession .
12 Nor will it do any good if it is sent to the right outlet at the wrong time .
13 She wo n't charge me with more than my due , nor will she let that lad pay for a death I 'm sure he does not owe .
14 They can not report nonsense in your writing , they do not judge accuracy , including spelling , nor can they detect incorrect word usage .
15 Briefly the requirements for short story are for fictional narrative based er narrative based scripts of two thousand one hundred to two thousand three hundred words do not use a factual accounts or anything longer or shorter on this , nor can we consider 60 Writers Monthly
16 Nor can one feel any sympathy for the various ladies in his life , all of whom conform outwardly to the strict etiquette of the enclosed society of the Austrian court .
17 The ideal needs integrity , however , for a citizen can not treat himself as the author of a collection of laws that are inconsistent in principle , nor can he see that collection as sponsored by any Rousseauian general will .
18 But a regular inspection every four or five years can not by itself be sufficient protection for the parents or the children ; nor can it provide enough information by which to judge the effectiveness of a school .
19 Nor can you dodge these attacks by approaching obliquely .
20 Nor can I accept any teaching that talks about becoming attuned to spiritual forces which have nothing to do with the Holy Spirit .
21 Nor can I remember any sense of restraint : the landscape belonged to me and I to it , and I was free to explore it and be nurtured by it in a subconscious Wordsworthian sort of way .
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