Example sentences of "come [prep] be [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 They are an important source for two reasons : they indicate that the overload problem has been a constant since the Second World War and is not peculiar to the sixties , seventies and eighties , and that even what has come to be regarded as the most efficiently run administration since 1945 had serious difficulties in the handling of business .
2 Although he was not the very first , he has come to be regarded as the pioneer , bush-whacking anthropologist , the originator of the doctrine that until you have lived cheek by jowl with an exotic tribe and spoken their language fluently you can not claim full professional status .
3 When he retired he had come to be regarded as the founder of modern veterinary research .
4 Already in 1913 , as the Independent observed , ‘ gray hair has come to be recognized as the unforgivable witness of industrial imbecility . ’
5 The fundamental question , as posed by Foucault , is how is it that in our society sex is seen not just as a means of biological reproduction nor a source of harmless pleasure , but , on the contrary , has come to be seen as the central part of our being , the privileged site in which the truth of ourselves is to be found ?
6 The most unfortunate aspect of this use of the term ‘ competition ’ is of course that , by referring to the situation in which no room remains for further steps in the competitive market process , the word has come to be understood as the very opposite of the kind of activity of which that process consists .
7 If , since union , sovereignty has been successfully asserted in practice by the United Kingdom Parliament , and if that assertion has come to be accepted as the basis of the existing constitutional edifice , that is what must , at all events pending the next shift , govern .
8 More recently , and perhaps begging the question of its mental significance , it has come to be known as the Readiness Potential ( RP ) .
9 I would not , therefore , expect theism to have to rest its case on the sort of argument for God 's existence that Anselm advanced in the eleventh century and which has come to be known as the ‘ Ontological Argument ’ .
10 Accompanying these changes in the policy and organisation of the church was the growth of new developments in theology , which have come to be known as the Theology of Liberation .
11 I also want to address two more complex issues in textual and sexual theory : firstly , the political implications of poststructuralist attempts to discredit notions of authorial agency ; and secondly , the related debates in gay theory around what have come to be known as the poles of ‘ essentialism ’ and ‘ social constructionism ’ ( terms I will elaborate on later ) .
12 EPA officials say they do n't know who prepared what 's come to be known as the EPA 's hit-list .
13 The 1907 Hague Convention IV also contains an important provision in the preamble to the main convention , in what has come to be known as the Martens clause .
14 In using such sources , they relied largely on what has come to be known as the ‘ comparative method ’ .
15 The optimality account of ageing has come to be known as the ‘ pleiotropy theory of senescence ’ , because it is often developed in terms of genes with effects on more than one aspect of the phenotype , in this case on survival and fertility at different ages .
16 The garrison suffered considerably , but on 15 August 1416 John , duke of Bedford , defeated the enemy fleet in the estuary in what has come to be known as the battle of the Seine .
17 One of the hallmarks of Conservative British governments in the 1980s was the readiness to spend large sums of money promoting the private market and a set of values which have come to be known as the ‘ enterprise culture ’ — witness the £1,200 million spent on the privatisation of Shorts and the shipyard .
18 By way of response the Government established the Committee on Ministers ' Powers which reported in 1932 and has come to be known as the Donoughmore Committee ( Donoughmore , 1932 ) .
19 The first event was the scandal which has come to be known as the Glanville Davies affair .
20 This design has come to be known as the Oriental style , since it objectifies precisely what Said ( 1979 ) and others have termed orientalism .
21 This is an imperfect and generalised paraphrase of the well-known statement of Lord Greene MR in Associated Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [ 1948 ] 1 KB 223 , 229 , which has come to be known as the Wednesbury principle and applied in countless cases .
22 The height of the cold war was also the period which has come to be known as the golden age of capitalism .
23 Because the glass in a greenhouse traps the sun 's energy ( though it does this mainly by inhibiting convection , thereby stopping warm air rising and escaping ) , this process has come to be known as the ‘ greenhouse effect ’ .
24 However , her main opponent here was what has come to be known as the cultural conservatism among New York 's intelligentsia , purveyed today by writers such as Daniel Bell and Irving Howe , but whose perhaps most influential figures were Lionel Trilling and Clement Greenberg .
25 Historically , what has come to be known as the Third World has attracted only a tiny proportion of all the foreign investment that has taken place , while the economies of many poor countries , and even some rich ones , are commonly said to be dominated by foreign capital and/or foreign firms .
26 This study has come to be known as the Cecchini Report ( see Cecchini ( 1988 ) , and Emerson et al.
27 Now it seems that some things work , especially those like the AEC that are associated with what has come to be described as the problem-focused/task-centred approach ( Roberts , 1990 ) .
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