Example sentences of "attention has be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Much attention has been given to the seemingly altruistic behaviour of dolphins , with various authors citing such examples as the way cetaceans will assist or stand by other ill , injured or stranded animals even to the point of their own death .
2 Scant attention has been given to the way in which man 's attitude to death feeds back into his life and so exerts an influence upon society .
3 Although much attention has focused on the number of people out of work in recent years , less attention has been given to the number of family members who are also affected .
4 In dry parts of the world , such as Australia , forest and bush fires are an important natural hazard and some attention has been given to the ways in which GIS might help examine their potential impacts .
5 Enright has pointed out with regard to media that ‘ too much attention has been given to the possibilities of the new media supplanting the book , and far too little to the ways in which each can and does supplement the other ’ .
6 Despite all this , very little attention has been given to the issue in Great Britain as compared with other countries .
7 MUCH attention has been given to the Prisoners ' Dilemma as a metaphor for the problems surrounding the evolution of cooperative behaviour .
8 Little attention has been given to the relationship between mental and social class for the older age groups .
9 While Baldwin 's succession to Bonar Law in 1923 has been almost overdiscussed , practically no attention has been given to the way in which he slipped in for the third time in 1935 .
10 Nevertheless , despite the growth of the disability movement and the struggles of disabled people to control the decision-making processes which shape their lives , little attention has been given to the say that young disabled people have in controlling their education .
11 In the context both of the discussion of devolution to Scotland and Wales and of the consideration of the reorganization of local government , some attention has been given to the case for regional government in England .
12 Using the notion that is particularly associated with representative government , of a new minister with explicit policy commitments , attention has been given to the pressures that frustrate such commitments , or replace them by commitments derived from other sources .
13 In recent years considerable attention has been given to the ‘ health divide ’ in Britain ( Black Report , 1980 ; White head , 1987 ) .
14 Whilst the information revolution has resulted in a great deal of attention being paid to the technology of information processing , unfortunately less attention has been given to the environment in which this processing takes place .
15 Relatively little attention has been given to the processes which result in these different outcomes , and almost none has been directed to gender in the primary school .
16 In recent years , increasing attention has been given to the social costs of economic recession and adjustment measures in developing countries .
17 As should have become clear , however , the main explanations within this shifting strand of thinking about politics and elites have been conducted primarily in the broad social and economic spheres : little attention has been given to the relations between states and people .
18 Close attention has been given by the Chief/proprietor to the cooking and service of all meals .
19 However , much attention has been given in the literature to inversion of triangular matrices by methods other than back-substitution , particularly iterative methods .
20 Now at last attention has been turned to the real problem .
21 Considerable public attention has been focussed on the policy intentions of local councils over the last few years , especially those pursuing some unorthodox , radical or new policy aims .
22 Much attention has been focussed on the failure of five different strikers to score goals , but only recently have others , and notably the outspoken Tony Cottee , started to appreciate the real problem at Goodison .
23 Initially the grants were concentrated mainly in the higher education sector but in recent years attention has been switched to the schools sector .
24 In the Soviet context an inordinate amount of attention has been paid to the willed aims of Bolshevik leaders .
25 Relatively little attention has been paid to the origins of labouring class poetry .
26 While in the United States the unfolding tale of corruption and mismanagement at the EPA has tended to focus on the usual mainstays of White House interference and ‘ sweet-heart ’ deals with past industrial employers , little attention has been paid to the Lysenkoist assaults of the Reagan administration on the EPA 's scientific integrity .
27 As stated earlier , less attention has been paid to the factors that determine the readability of illustrations than has been given to the readability of text .
28 In this respect particular attention has been paid to the giant gas planets like Jupiter and Saturn .
29 Yet in spite of significant debates , both within and between Marxism and pluralism , very little attention has been paid to the patriarchal nature of the state .
30 Most attention has been paid to the nervous control of motor activity in respiration , walking , flight , stridulation and mating behaviour .
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