Example sentences of "rights [coord] [noun pl] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This does not mean however that the ‘ clean slate ’ doctrine was unreservedly upheld : boundary treaties and treaties creating rights or obligations relating to the use of territory and considered as appertaining to the territory of the successor State are express exceptions .
2 If a document resembles the form of a debenture although it is not called such , the usual rights and liabilities accrue to the holder .
3 In the first place , Singer countered , it would be difficult to locate the minimal qualification for the sense of justice and , furthermore , once established , it could well be to the detriment of equality since it might imply that we could have ‘ grades of moral status , with rights and duties corresponding to the degree of refinement of one 's sense of justice ’ ( 1979 : 16–17 ) .
4 In modern times this authority is generally granted by statute but certain powers , rights and immunities appertaining to the Crown still have their origins in the common law .
5 As for the requirement for the owners , charterers , managers and operators of the vessel and , in the case of a company , the shareholders and directors , to be resident and domiciled in the member state in which the vessel is to be registered , it must be held that such a requirement , which is not justified by the rights and obligations created by the grant of a national flag to a vessel , results in discrimination on grounds of nationality .
6 A bishop 's status was not only connected to his role in defining Christian society and to his monopolization of holy places and objects , but also based on legally conferred rights and obligations dating from the late Roman period .
7 Article 3 provides that a contract term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if , contrary to the requirements of good faith , it causes significant imbalance in the parties ' rights and obligations arising under the contract , to the detriment of the consumer .
8 Moreover , in relations between member states , rights and obligations arising from the Convention of 1958 could not prevail over the obligations of member states under the E.E.C .
9 In particular , rights and obligations arising from the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of July 1 , 1968 , will continue to apply to the united Germany .
10 While the parties to an agreement creating a new State may have intended that rights and obligations contained in the treaty would bind the new State , it is not apparent that the new State has consented to them .
11 The auctioneer 's rights and obligations arise under the other two contracts .
12 Citizens ' action groups protested at the environmental damage caused by NATO manoeuvres and , in August 1989 , the SPD called for an end to the special rights and privileges enjoyed by the allied forces .
13 He repudiated the oath by which he had restored to the Holy See the ecclesiastical rights and privileges enjoyed by the emperors and the kings of Sicily and within a few months of his coronation he began to progress down into Italy .
14 The rights and expectations raised in the Education Act 1981 have led many parents to press hard for both assessments and services and some authorities are having problems with implementation .
15 His ‘ crime ’ was to sign an open letter to President Rafsanjani criticizing government failures to uphold rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran .
16 On the question of human rights , the agreement stated that all persons in Cambodia and all Cambodian refugees should enjoy the rights and freedoms embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
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