Example sentences of "around [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The week before , the name of Llanelli outside-half Colin Stephens , was being bandied around as the latest answer to all of Wales ' woes .
2 On the other hand there will be a greater onus to shop around for the best home for whatever spare cash you may have .
3 Unless something is done , dealer margins will continue in free fall and the customers will continue to shop around for the best price in the belief that service is universally lousy , and that 's in nobody 's interest .
4 In Budapest , they still strolled around for the sheer pleasure of it .
5 The chub flit in and out of the weed like silent ghosts , grubbing for food , seeking shelter from the bright sun , and sometimes just playing around for the sheer hell of it .
6 Novell Inc Japan , which will be Univel Inc 's distributor there , is n't waiting around for the Japanese version of UnixWare to start its assault on the market .
7 As we looked around the store , Reid explained to me , ‘ Johnson worked on a pearling lugger , stashed a bit of money away , looked around for the healthiest woman on the island , married her and set up shop .
8 In that case , we want to be around for the big money in the fourth , fifth and sixth records .
9 My experience also spans the full spectrum of aircraft maintenance within the RAF from turning them around for the next flight at the sharp end , through the deeper repair at station level to the major repair at remote sites .
10 ‘ Why do n't you tell me about it ? — Sorry I have n't been around for the last couple of days .
11 Andy Norman , who 's a sort of Sam Goldwyn of our athletics , spotted this key to his character years ago during a wait at Helsinki airport where Christie was hanging around for the last plane on a ticket about one grade up from cargo .
12 ‘ Especially with you tearing around like the wronged boyfriend in the last reel of Some Came Running , waving your wretched gun .
13 It will augment the Commission 's power to tinker around with the European economy for its own purposes , or in the interest of its more powerful members .
14 With a muffled cry of rage at her own weakness , Isabel shoved furiously at fitzAlan 's broad shoulder with one hand and brought the other up and around with the full force of her arm behind it .
15 Robert O'Mahoney 's King , a ‘ dynamotologist ’ — ‘ self-realisation , you know ? ’ — is the picture of a man floundering around in the deep end of life , who has forgotten not only how to swim , but even where he left his life jacket .
16 We 'd just sit around in the front parlour of my house and smoke Typhoo Tea in my dad 's pipe .
17 Conscious that she had been crawling around in the hot sunshine for some time without a hat , she retired a short distance to the shade of some trees , sat down on a convenient boulder and tried to conjecture how Alain Gebrec might have spent his last moments .
18 If you do venture by car on to the edge of Otmoor , there is the feeling that you will be unable to turn around in the narrow space between the dykes , or may get stuck up to the axles in mud .
19 They had rolled around in the narrow berth on the unanchored sheet , slipping on the shiny much-worn cheap leatherette surface of the bunk , lurching in and out of one another in a determined kind of way , the only passengers on the boat not to be paralysed with seasickness .
20 New ideas can be bounced around in the comparative safety of the governors ' meeting and reactions gauged .
21 The surface oceans are actually super-saturated with calcium carbonate so there 's a lot in solution , there 's more in solution than in theory is possible , in super-saturated condition and in addition there 's a lot floating around in the solid form in biological material .
22 He swam around in the cold plunge for five minutes to close his pores , then towelled himself vigorously before jumping on the scales in the rest room .
23 Feel around in the top pocket of his blazer , there you will find the shard .
24 In fact the remaining internal traffic certainly impinges on children 's road safety and reduces their freedom to get around outside the immediate vicinity of the house .
25 As Howard got out and went around to the other side of the car , the Doctor slid over , and examined the rudimentary dashboard .
26 The road gang had turned up unexpectedly that afternoon and had laid and rolled more than two hundred yards of hot tarmac from the main building all the way around to the other side of the restaurant block ; now the place did n't look quite so much like a building site any more , and winter opening seemed more of a possibility .
27 She moved around to the other side of the desk .
28 Sorry , this is a very long way of getting around to the first crop of reviews of Philip Larkin : A Writer 's Life by Andrew Motion ( Faber ) .
29 Nelson went around to the far side of the table , and sat down to wait as Lucas was brought from his cell .
30 Mike shrugged easily , but his right hand crept around to the rear pocket of his overall , where he kept the big Stilson spanner .
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