Example sentences of "na [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you get a correlation of about point seven , it means that you 're only accounting for forty nine percent , less than half , of the variants in the other var the other sets of scores Think about it , if it 's a positive , if you 've got a correlation coefficient of one , what it means is that you account for a hundred perc or or sorry , if you 're gon na make convert it to a percentage , you times it by a hundred , it 's the proportion there .
2 ‘ You 're gon na gang bang them in the drive-ins , Harry .
3 I know it 's gon na cost sending them by the way .
4 The only th the only thing is , is th is what we 'll do the beer , whether we 're gon na have to connect it to the brewery or whether we can get it through ourselves , I do n't know .
5 Right now I do n't wan na I 'm gon na have to push you along a bit to erm make sure you get this done .
6 Erm the other thing was that the people at senior level need to be reminded , if they do have a major problem erm that 's David and Malcolm , erm where , if they 've got a rather difficult case and it 's urgent and they want a , they do n't wan na have to put it on a , on a fax , they want , they need it there and then erm , and they do n't like the telephone call facility , I said well , well that 's primarily for consultants .
7 Yeah , it 's the , it 's the with the word natural is n't it that er you know people often use the word natural to mean good and right and therefore something you should do , but of course no not always I mean if I said to you death is natural , nobody here would think I was advocating suicide or that er we should n't have hospitals to try and save people 's lives I mean er when you say death is natural , what you mean is death is one of those things that we just have to put up with , we 'd rather we did n't but we 're all gon na have to face it in the end , some of us sooner than others er but erm but there we are .
8 and then it wo n't be sticky , I ca n't roll it out to make those shapes at the moment cos it 's too sticky , yes we 're gon na have to stick it in the fridge and when it comes out it will be just ready then .
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