Example sentences of "give [noun] to [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , firms already have to face uncertainty in the context of UCTA and the criteria used to assess whether a duty of care which would give rise to liability in tort is owed .
2 The latter form of interference may give rise to liability in nuisance .
3 To proceed without doing so would give rise to conflicts of interest which could impede the proper performance of his duties .
4 The directors of the target must consider carefully any commitment with an offeror ( or anyone else ) which would restrict their freedom to advise their shareholders in the future ( eg not to consider competitive bids ) as such commitments may give rise to conflicts of interest or result in a breach of fiduciary duties .
5 The hardware used for data collection can also give rise to differences in recognition performance .
6 Since ‘ compliance ’ is an administrative definition and since production or treatment processes can constantly give rise to changes in water quality , field men must be ever-vigilant in the face of uncertainty .
7 In a brief to me and my colleagues , my local authority wrote : ’ In addition , because of its very nature as a combined personal/property tax , movements of individuals within a household will inevitably give rise to changes in liability .
8 ( i ) The main requirement of water for textiles is freedom from solid particles in suspension or from substances that could give rise to solids in processing .
9 The principle that an equitable lease does not give rise to privity of estate has several important exceptions .
10 The report calls on boards to ‘ give precedence to substance over form' , in applying and interpreting the code , but it is doubtful whether companies realise that this could be the last chance for self-regulation .
11 Unlike the annual Environment White Papers , a sustainable development report need not give space to quality of life issues where there are no long term implications , such as local issues of litter , the nuisance from dogs , noise , etc .
12 Both PACT and formularies will give information to GPs on drug costs .
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