Example sentences of "give [noun] to [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 BMC national officer Roger Payne explained that the policy at the BMC is to try and give funding to experienced groups of British climbers attempting the sort of peaks which provide a strong technical challenge but are unlikely to get commercial sponsorship , simply because no-one apart from climbers has ever heard of them .
2 Severe refractive errors can give rise to visual defects of this sort .
3 Environment Secretary Michael Howard commented : " The government remains determined that contamination does not give rise to unacceptable risks to health and safety , to groundwater and the environment . "
4 This extra consumers ' expenditure will give rise to additional income of £40 million in those domestic industries producing the required goods and services .
5 In both instances earlier discovery might obviously give rise to great savings in costs .
6 That implied that a new social configuration may well give rise to new forms of designing …
7 Such an interpretation could give rise to practical difficulties in appropriate cases but the wording of the legislation had to be simply applied .
8 Though should such attitudes give rise to negative responses in others , they may then be challenged and with adult maturity undergo some real and positive modification .
9 It tends to be exclusive rather than inclusive , in that our thinking may be confined to those matters which fall within accepted categories rather than accepting that all situations to which the law pertains can give rise to legal problems despite the fact that there is no immediately available legal framework for their solution .
10 For example , members might claim to be disadvantaged in an open hearing in putting forward a defence that could give rise to legal action for defamation or breach of confidence .
11 Unless great care is taken such provisions can give rise to difficult problems of interpretation .
12 To take an obvious example , the drafter may draft the terms referring to the parties as 'seller " and " Buyer " ; if a clause is then incorporated from a different document , referring to " the Customer " , it may give rise to difficult questions of interpretation : prima facie it will be assumed that " the Buyer " and " the Customer " are different people .
13 Where the realisation of a hazard could give rise to significant consequences to people and the environment , then specialist advice should be obtained if necessary .
14 One of the most significant selling points which the Banks used during last year 's dispute was the fact that Extended Opening Hours would give rise to significant numbers of additional jobs in Banking .
15 The absence of intermittent hormonal stimulation in men implies that a similar underlying genetic defect might not give rise to malignant disease until later in life .
16 IT IS a fact that having to deal with all aspects of VAT can give rise to considerable costs for business .
17 IT is a fact that having to deal with all aspects of VAT can give rise to considerable costs for businesses .
18 One possibility would be a statutory reformulation of Rylands v. Fletcher shorn of the qualifications and defences which so emasculate it now , perhaps on the lines of the Restatement , which imposes strict liability on one who carries on an ‘ abnormally dangerous activity , ’ but this would be open to varying judicial inclinations and would give rise to considerable uncertainty for a very long period of time .
19 That this can give rise to erroneous inferences with potentially disastrous consequences is shown when Lok nearly falls to his death over a cliff because he smells smoke .
20 The Americans were also worried by the British tendency to take too mild a view of Soviet intentions , an attitude which they feared might give rise to false hopes among the public in the West , and lessen support for the build-up of Nato .
21 The foregoing samples show that the representation of dialogue in written narrative can give rise to linguistic complexities of numerous kinds .
22 It was expected that case law would give rise to sufficient precedents to flesh out the relatively few guidelines available under UCTA , but in fact cases have been few and not very helpful .
23 Each of these situations can give rise to different forms of fee arrangement , examples of which are :
24 May we give pleasure to other people by sharing our joy and happiness with them .
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