Example sentences of "find [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And if Mr. Birt does find himself out of a job , he could always try his luck as a timeshare salesman .
2 That means Thorstvedt , who came on as sub against Coventry and saved a penalty as Spurs crashed 2-0 , will suddenly find himself back in the number one spot .
3 Again and again in the night hours she thought of him , of his aggression and of the barely veiled hint in his parting shot ‘ so long as it does n't interfere with your work ! ’ that for all she had , so far , gone along with everything he had decreed , she could still find herself out of a job if she did n't toe the line .
4 Those that stand still could find themselves right in the discounters ' sights .
5 Even when the Canadians , British and Americans have reached a decision , Upjohn 's lawyers wo n't find themselves out of a job .
6 If I do n't agree then I could find myself out of a job ! ’
7 No I am grateful to Mr because he 's finally crystallised in my mind something that 's been bugging me the longer I stay on this council about exactly what the Tories see their role here as and it 's now very clear to me , more than ever and that is that if you want to be obstructive and negative and if you go on long enough being obstructive and negative what you can end up doing is that you 'll find yourself eventually in a position going on long enough that you can make totally meaningless speeches but at least you 'll get nice headlines in the paper and that seems to me the whole essence of the Tory strategy .
8 Dr Curtis expects him to stay there , so you may find yourself out of a job tonight . ’
9 ‘ Then very shortly you 'll find yourself out of a job . ’
10 You either go along with me until this is over or you could soon find yourself out of a job , although I suppose you could always see if Lewis had an opening for you on his paper . ’
11 ‘ And get yourself a good shoe designer and a good cutter , make your own shoes , begin an emporium instead of just importing and selling the leather , at least then you would not find yourself out on a limb in a man 's world . ‘
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