Example sentences of "according to [noun sg] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The IDA eventually dropped the idea of Nad , according to evidence given at the An Bord Pleanala appeal , because most of the suitable land was held in common .
2 One of the two men accused of murdering a police informer was also a drugs dealer , according to evidence given by the prosecution on the second day of their trial .
3 According to evidence given in the trial , the Commandos of Sacrifice were a Nahda splinter group .
4 AWARRANT for the arrest of the former partner of Mr Peter Clowes was issued seven years before his Barlow Clowes investment empire collapsed , according to evidence submitted to the Parliamentary Ombudsman .
5 According to work done in the 1970s and 1980s , there could have been up to 32 in the rocks of Burgess shale alone , including many never seen anywhere else .
6 According to press reports at the time , Lori McElroy and her boyfriend claimed Nicholas and his friends had been a problem throughout the holiday .
7 Miss T. 's mother arrived at the hospital accompanied by C. Later that night , according to information given by the hospital to Miss T. 's father , Miss T. received more pethidine .
8 According to information issued by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) in May 1991 , over 345,000 cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) had been reported from 162 countries and territories as of April 1991 .
9 According to information released by the Russian government , between 1968 and 1982 the Soviet navy dumped 13 spent nuclear reactors and thousands of barrels of radioactive waste in the area .
10 If children were egocentric , the capacity to sustain an effective dialogue would be impossible , for this requires the ability to switch speaker and listener roles constantly , to monitor the effects of one 's messages , and to modify them according to feedback received from the listener .
11 According to research conducted in the US , nine out of ten people who buy a computer end up bitterly regretting the decision .
12 Sexual hormones in sewage can cause some fish to change sex , according to research funded by the UK Department of the Environment .
13 A significant decline in the numbers of some traditional bird species in the UK is due to modern farming methods , according to research published by the British Trust for Ornithology .
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