Example sentences of "herself [adv] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Slowly she lowered herself on to a dead log and sat there .
2 Pulling herself together with a visible effort , she managed to glare at him .
3 She was inspired and strengthened by seeing herself not as a passive victim , or a cancer patient , but as an individual working for her own health and well-being .
4 She must not work herself up into a terrible temper on supposition .
5 Because she has worked herself up into a pitiful state of fear and tension , this does not mean that her suffering is not real .
6 With a muffled groan she rolled on to her side and screwed herself up into a tight ball , alternately hot and shivery with emotion .
7 With a final searching look at the haunted image in the mirror she drew herself up with a deep breath and walked down the narrow passage to meet him .
8 To keep herself from sleep she suspended herself ingeniously upon a large cross which hung in her room … and should this fail she attached her hair [ the one lock she had not shaved off to the nail in the feet of her Christ so that the least relaxation would inflict terrible suffering on her …
9 Then he was up , leaning away from her to let her claw herself around into a sprawling position .
10 No , ’ Mrs McMahon answered herself sadly with a quick glance at her son , ‘ perhaps it 's best not . ’
11 She followed into my office and arranged herself neatly in a straight-backed chair , notebook open and sharp pencil ready poised for an attack on the clean white pages .
12 She closed her tired , bloodshot eyes and saw herself again as a young woman , buxom and pregnant , set down in wild bush country , her only asset a husband as young and as strong as herself .
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