Example sentences of "to give [pron] [adv prt] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Erm where I find I ca n't understand the regional accent I 'm going to give them back to the person who recorded them
2 In many ways , he would have preferred to have been able to give himself over to the delusion and accept it as truth ; but there seemed to be a definite boundary here , and it was n't his choice whether or not he crossed it .
3 He was content to give himself up to the occasion , similar to others he had described in his own books but none of which had ever seemed to possess the colour , the noise , the smell , the sheer vibrancy that was before him now .
4 Tell Russell to give himself up to the police and when they have dealt with him , Mr Christie , I am going to shoot him . ’
5 We feel morally obliged to give something back to the sport and Rosa is in a good position to do so . ’
6 ‘ I think it is a great way to give something back to the donors because they can have a thoroughly enjoyable evening 's entertainment while raising money for good causes . ’
7 Striding out for charity FIVE unemployed people who have been given a place on a training scheme at British Aerospace Airbus , Broughton , have decided to give something back to the community by a sponsored walk from Bangor to BAe Broughton over two days starting on June 24 .
8 Went through so many operations he felt he wanted to give something back to the Health Service .
9 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
10 Mum 's got to give it back to the man .
11 Mum when you have to give it back to the man ?
12 Sparta had taken Delphi out of Phokian control ; Athens intervened to give it back to the Phokians , and that was that .
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