Example sentences of "to give [noun] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Given employers ' lack of knowledge about qualifications and the relatively arbitrary way in which they use them , it is difficult to give credence to the widespread notion that they are dissatisfied with the educational levels of young workers .
2 The larva moults to give rise to the four-legged nymph , which , after five more days , becomes the adult mite .
3 Sometimes it can be shown that the tissue not only looks homogeneous , but actually is so , because , if the tissue is cut in half , each half will regulate to give rise to the same pattern as would otherwise have been produced by the whole .
4 Even Saudi Arabia , which encouraged its citizens to give money to the Afghan rebel cause — for many years it matched America 's covert financing — is now trying to stop the flow .
5 The BMA believes that there is an urgent need for a central waste policy to give guidance on the safest form of disposal .
6 A small amount of Italian may be included to give bulk in the first year .
7 In this year , the 25th anniversary of Shelter , does the Minister agree that the time is right for him to give effect to the Prime Minister 's boast in his letter of support to Shelter that the Government would employ public expenditure where necessary ?
8 Despite the crudity of these yardsticks , it is clear that most authorities have been , and are making considerable efforts to give effect to the 1981 Act .
9 However , if such reference was not permissible , there was no option but to give effect to the literal meaning of the words and dismiss the appeal .
10 In the circumstances there is in my judgment no option but to give effect to the literal meaning of the words as did the Court of Appeal .
11 Furthermore , legislation expressly intended to give effect to the first stage of Economic and Monetary Union has already been enacted , following the decision of the European Council in Madrid in June 1989 that that stage should begin on 1 July 1990 .
12 However , the court will readily imply the grant of such easements as may be necessary to give effect to the common intention of the parties with reference to the manner and purposes for which the demised property is to be used .
13 More recent authority has however expressed the view that planning law is of a ‘ public character , ’ and that the courts should not introduce private law principles unless these are expressly authorised by parliament or are necessary to give effect to the legislative purpose .
14 The courts now adopt a purposive approach which seeks to give effect to the true purpose of legislation and are prepared to look at much extraneous material that bears upon the background against which the legislation was enacted .
15 I agree that the use of Hansard as an aid to assist the court to give effect to the true intention of Parliament is not ‘ questioning ’ within the meaning of article 9 of the Bill of Rights .
16 In order to give effect to the original intention of the Directive , the House of Lords held that the Regulations should be construed purposively and read as if after the words " immediately before the transfer " the following words were added " or would have been so employed at the time of the transfer if he had not been unfairly dismissed in the circumstances described in reg 8(1) " , ( ie for a reason in connection with the transfer ) .
17 Its main purpose was to give legitimacy to the nine-year-old Crown Prince and thereby to prevent other claims to the Bhutanese throne .
18 The other Frenchmen were retreating up the slope , unwilling to give battle to the greater number of black-uniformed Hussars .
19 It seems that Parliament accepted this recommendation , although I doubt whether blood donation will create any problem as a ‘ Gillick competent ’ minor of any age would be able to give consent under the common law .
20 British and Australian substitutes for burgundy began to give place to the real thing .
21 Their function was to work , to procreate and to give place to the next generation ; while the sprawling capital endured .
22 Obviously the decrease in the amount of time spent with the first-born will have an effect but many parents are aware of this and make a great effort to give attention to the older child .
23 This acquisition of special knowledge meant that when I was called to give evidence to the Advisory Council on Drug Abuse ( chaired by Baroness Wooton ) on the use of cannabis , I was perhaps more inclined to dwell on the symbolic dangers attributed to its use than on any alleged physical harm , simply because I was now aware that any reality in relation to cannabis use was more complex than could be contained in some easy binary of social value — medical debilitation .
24 He was part of a delegation that went to the BBC to complain about proposed cuts to the Third Programme , the " cultural " channel of the broadcasting service ; he was working on the Commission for the Revised Psalter ; he was asked to give evidence to the Parliamentary Commission on Obscene Publications ( he had had very little experience of pornographic literature , he told the members of that commission , and his own work was " quite anodyne " ) .
25 However , by the time the CPAG came to give evidence to the Select Committee it had taken on board the idea of women 's financial dependency in marriage and had carried out a survey to discover the extent of mothers ' dependence on family allowance for their own and their children 's survival , irrespective of the level of their husbands ' earnings .
26 When the former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health ( Mrs Edwina Currie ) had refused to give evidence to the Select Committee on Agriculture , the committee resolved to table a motion in the Commons forcing her attendance .
27 Er thank you Chairman erm th that is one of the Liberal resolutions that we can get it is important at the sorry to give evidence of the alternative viewpoint and , and that is the case in , in opposing er for those who are opposing that er terminal five .
28 Pauline Leyshon arrived to give evidence on the fifth day of the trial at Bristol Crown Court .
29 Added to this , three so-called responsible members of Her Majesty 's Opposition ( Labour ) saw fit to impute that Profumo had arranged to ship Miss Keeler abroad so as to render her unavailable to give evidence at the Old Bailey trial of her coloured lover .
30 He plans to provide an expert witness to give evidence at the public inquiry into the controversial plan for pylons from the power station at Wilton , and he has also raised the matter of the Skelton and Brotton link road in the European Parliament .
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