Example sentences of "held [prep] the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 A relatively low balance of cash can be held as the day-to-day operations of a bank 's customers — cash deposits and withdrawals — create an offsetting phenomenon .
2 Behind the scrum — where Ian Hunter will have to prove he is fully recovered after a spate of leg injuries — Rob Andrew , as suspected , has held off the late challenge of Ellwood , though coach Ian McGeechan will certainly want him to do more to compromise the enemy back row .
3 Bilateral meetings were held between the Prime Ministers of Greece and Turkey [ see p. 38786 ] , and of India and Pakistan , while African National Congress president Nelson Mandela and South African President F. W. de Klerk also addressed the gathering .
4 As he was held between the conflicting pressures of wind and water , so he was caught between the desire to reach Mariana and offer her comfort and the need to husband his remaining strength — but he knew that the husbanding of his strength was paramount if they were to survive .
5 According to the Commission on Elections ( Comelec ) , the transitional provisions of the 1987 Constitution meant that elections would also be held for the 200-seat House of Representatives , as well as for provincial , municipal and district posts , with all forms of national and local government to be replaced on June 30 .
6 There is no record of where the papingo was placed for the contests held during the first century of the Kilwinning Society of Archers .
7 Meetings were also held during the first half of 1989 between senior PLO officials and officials from France , Spain and the United Kingdom , culminating in Arafat 's talks with President Mitterrand of France in May 1989 , after which the PLO leader said that the PLO 's National Charter was " obsolete " and " null and void " [ see p. 36669 ] .
8 ( 6 ) The members of a licensing board for a district or licensing division of a district shall be elected at the first meeting of the district council held after the ordinary election of that council in 1977 and , in the case of subsequent elections , of those members : ( a ) except in so far as paragraph ( b ) below otherwise provides , at the first meeting of the council held after each Subsequent ordinary election of the council ; and ( b ) where a determination under subsection ( 3 ) above is made ( whether or not at such meeting of the council as is mentioned in paragraph ( a ) above ) , either : ( i ) at the meeting at which the determination is made ; or ( ii ) at the first meeting of the council held after such meeting as is mentioned in sub-paragraph ( i ) above .
9 Emotions between the infantry and gunners resembled those sometimes held towards the heavy-bomber crews of World War II , whom the ground troops viewed as sumptuously quartered well away from the enemy , making brief sorties to spray their bombs indiscriminately over both lines .
10 The speech of 26 April 1942 , held against the theatrical back-cloth of the summoning of the Reichstag , had not lived up to expectations .
11 In early January 1990 meetings were held with the Foreign Ministers of Nepal and Sri Lanka , with the King of Bhutan and with Pakistani envoys [ see pp. 37184-85 ; 37356 ; 37357 ; 37183-84 ] .
12 " They therefore do appoint that a merket shall be weekly held upon the open Street of Bowmore upon friday , the 1st. to be upon friday the 5th. day of November next , and to be from thenseforth contiunes weekly thereafter … and that there may be no fraud in the weight or measure of the different Vivers and commodities Brought for Sale to this weekly merket , the Meeting do hereby appoint Archd .
13 However , Dumas was believed to have expressed disquiet at the suggestion that Lebanese elections might be held before the proposed withdrawal of Syrian troops in September .
14 The ceilidh was held in the stable yard of the castle but as there was no lighting , festivities had to cease when it got dark ; great to live by nature 's principles like this , but a shame to stop when it was going so well !
15 On March 8-9 guerrilla columns had handed in their weapons in ceremonies held in the southern town of Santo Domingo in Cauca province .
16 She had crossed it once before , but she knew it would be much more risky today , because the recent heavy rains would have made the surface gluey , and if she slipped or made a false step she might find herself caught and held in the treacly morass of the marsh .
17 Lady Gibson fund This fund , held in the joint names of the minister and session clerk of the Church and the chairman of the village association , the interest from which will be used to defray the expenses of a Christmas Treat for the senior citizens in the village .
18 Lady Gibson fund This fund , held in the joint names of the minister and session clerk of the Church and the chairman of the village association , the interest from which will be used to defray the expenses of a Christmas Treat for the senior citizens in the village .
19 This chapter deals with the situation where the matrimonial home is held in the joint names of the husband and the wife , either as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common .
20 Whether the matrimonial home is held in the joint names of the husband and wife on trust for sale or is in the name of the husband alone , it is not unusual for the court to order that the house be retained but upon certain terms and conditions .
21 Yes the briefing was held in the early hours of Monday morning .
22 It was followed by a series of eight weekly sessions held in the early part of Monday evenings examining a range of issues in the area of personal effectiveness at work .
23 The local authority associations have also expressed concern at the likely impact of the Tunnel on peripheral regions , and a conference was held in the early Summer of 1989 to launch a Channel Tunnel initiative with the aim of ensuring that its benefits reach all parts of the UK. it focuses on the role of local authorities in attracting new businesses by providing the right infrastructure including good access to international rail passenger services at regional railheads , and effective freight transhipment points linked to the road network .
24 In order to pull together the conclusions of these initiatives an International Conference is being held in the early summer of 1992 .
25 Peace talks were held in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas on June 3-9 , June 11-15 and June 20-26 between representatives of the government and of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia ( FARC ) and the National Liberation Army ( ELN ) ( negotiating jointly as factions of the Simón Bolívar National Guerrilla Co-ordinating Group ( CNGSB ) ) .
26 The Cowal Highland Gathering , celebrating its centenary this year , is held in the picturesque town of Dunoon on the bands of the Clyde .
27 In Sewell 's time the course of instruction , lasting generally for two sessions of nine months each , was given in the cooler months of the year , the brief viva voce examinations qualifying for entry to the Royal College 's diploma examinations being held in the unsuitable surroundings of the Freemasons ' tavern .
28 Against a backdrop of domestic economic crisis and growing international isolation following the collapse of communism in the Soviet Union and in eastern Europe , the fourth congress of the ruling Cuban Communist Party ( PCC ) was held in the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba on Oct. 10-14 .
29 In the United States , the Supreme Court held in the great case of The New York Times v Sullivan that no libel action could succeed if the plaintiff was a public figure and the allegation was honestly and diligently made .
30 He was a main contributor to the photographic exhibition held in the Great Room of the Society of Arts in London in 1852 , which was the first of its kind .
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