Example sentences of "come [adv] [prep] a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Given that the Secretary of State 's own appointed governor , the former chief inspector , Eric Bolton , said that the situation at the school is ’ unsatisfactory ’ and that the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers said that pupils and staff at Stratford school are ’ disturbed ’ , does the Minister recognise that the Secretary of State 's statement last week that Stratford school was ’ operating satisfactorily ’ had no basis in fact and could come only from a Secretary of State who sought to evade , rather than take , the responsibility which was plainly his ?
2 A continuous flow of information about the effectiveness of schools is also needed , and it can come only from a corps of local inspectors , properly supervised by a national inspectorate .
3 We actively develop the toilet areas , the canteen facilities so that women are not left at home on a Saturday , that they can come together on a Saturday with their husbands and boyfriends and watch the game .
4 It ought never to happen that firms with incompatible ideas as to the sort of service to be provided for their clients should ever come together with a view to merger .
5 The panspermia hypothesis does not deny that life started in a ‘ primeval soup ’ , it merely shows that life can come together in a variety of different ways .
6 The working cats spend much of their time outside chasing birds and rodents , or challenging rival cats , and are wonderfully relaxed when they do , at last , come indoors for a saucer of milk or a snooze by the fire .
7 Trade you in for a couple of camels , he 'd come home with a couple of camels
8 Miss Lee is at Nwanza , in Tanzania , with the Church Mission Society and will come home for a holiday in Britain next year .
9 We close on Wednesday afternoons and every Wednesday Maurice and Alfred would come here for a sort of high tea , presided over by granny . ’
10 EC commissioner Frans Andriessen , the EC 's chief negotiator , has said he has no immediate plans to meet US negotiators but developments could come today after a meeting of EC foreign ministers in Brussels .
11 Under this it must come forward with a Plan of Operations that shows how quarrying can take place in a way that minimises environmental damage and nuisance .
12 Within a few weeks the Minister Mrs Hedy d'Ancona , who is on record as saying that some of the works are in such poor condition that they can not be given away without loss of face , will come forward with a number of proposals .
13 It , therefore , persuaded the DES to withdraw Circular 1/82 which imposed a moratorium on virtually all new advanced courses , so that , under specific conditions , proposals for new courses can come forward for a start in September 1983 .
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