Example sentences of "come [prep] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This will ensure that we help the Group come through the worse recession in our industry for many years , and that we are in place and able to contribute to the future upturn in the market .
2 Ideally , the cut from medium shot to close-up would come during the downward movement of the hand , but this degree of editing precision is often difficult for video .
3 They will come with the next revision of Solaris .
4 The final crunch could come with the full moon on Thursday — but you will be well able to handle any problems that may arise .
5 The transition from diplomatic and economic pressure on Iraq to direct offensive military action provided a further confirmation of the US leadership of what US statements described as " the 28-member international coalition " , since " coalition forces " would come under the operational command of the commander of US forces , Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf , in consultation with Saudi Defence Minister Prince Sultan ibn Abdul Aziz .
6 In an emergency the new European corps would come under the operational command of NATO 's Supreme Allied Command Europe ( SACEUR ) .
7 And then he saw them come into the amber flicker of the firelight with the flames lighting green lamps in their heads .
8 As regards property , it should be noticed that law and practice , to a large extent , make it unlikely that property of any considerable value will come into the direct ownership of an infant .
9 A new opportunity for such changes could come in the current review of the board by its chairman , Andrew Large .
10 So what you would have had for the whole of ninety two and the whole of ninety three will all come in , will all come in the second half of ninety three .
11 We can easily walk there and we can come in the front we can come in the front gates of the park and we do n't have to go up great big steep hills do we ?
12 It would probably come in the next shipment from Toronto .
13 The remainder will probably come from the Norwegian sector of the North Sea .
14 They 'd come from the other way from er Snade Lane not Broad Lane , they 'd come up from they 'd come farther round , round and come in th in round the back sort of thing and we we 'd got no headquarters any more .
15 If this is not a practical reality , then any effort to counter discrimination against older consumes must come from the other side of the fence ; from manufactures of user-friendly products , from retailers in the way they present goods for sale , and from those who are responsible for creating the environment in which shops trade .
16 I trust , I trust that if there 's going to be any question of names coming forward to be a approved locally , not selected , I hope not selected , that they will be er they 'll come from the local level at which the police authority actually functions and not from other counties without that particular area and so My Lords , I would suggest er that er the best step to go for is er Lord MacIntosh 's Amendment Number Five and his er supplements and I would suggest My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty is resisted by your Lordships because it talks about one half of the members shall be members of a relevant council and I suggest above all My Lords that Amendment Number Twenty Seven is cast into outer darkness .
17 Eye-witnesses believe it could come from the same family of beasts as Ogopogo , Tazama and Pohengamok , who all dwelt in lakes throughout British Columbia .
18 When I have to answer them I have some difficulty defending Members of the House , for whom I have a high regard and affection , if they behave badly , but such bad behaviour does not always come from the same side of the House .
19 ‘ Our family did n't exactly come from the wrong side of the tracks , but we were certainly always within sound of the train whistles . ’
20 Made possible by the peace accord between the four warring Cambodian factions ratified on 23 October 1991 , the sculptures have all come from the National Museum of Cambodia in Phnom Penh .
21 The place where Aldhelm 's body was found is within close woodland , untended , on a narrow path , where the only light would come from the open sky above the track .
22 The Court of Appeal detected " underlying transactions of a solicitorial nature " and determined that on the expert evidence ( inter alia from a former President of the Law Society ) which had been presented the undertakings given were such as might come within the usual course of a solicitor 's business .
23 However , an existing tenancy entered into prior to the above date will not be protected , unless it continues for two years , when it will come within the 1954 Act from 11 July 1992 and be protected thereafter .
24 Section 7 , both in subsections ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) , refers to ‘ a justice of the peace ; ’ consequently , the procedure under section 7(5) must come within the closing words of section 121(1) of the Act of 1980 , namely , that it is a hearing that by virtue of an enactment , namely the Bail Act 1976 , may take place before a single justice .
25 Surely the needs of the members should come before the administrative easiness of putting people into sections for the Union and as I 've said who better to judge where they need to go and what their needs are than the members themselves .
26 He 'll come down the other side of the trees .
27 Not by history alone , in other words , would one come to the firm description of a Council , and its relationship to the Roman Pontiff , that is contained in the 1983 Code of Canon Law .
28 If you feel you have to make decisions such as leaving the patient or getting a divorce , you should discuss the prospects within the whole family as well so that communally you can come to the best solution for all concerned .
29 They 'd come to the Chiltern Show at Stoke Mandeville on the understanding that more than 90-thousand people were expected to turn up .
30 On this day we would come to the other end of the running spectrum , to the fastest men and women on earth whose triumphs would depend upon mere hundredths of a second in the 100 metres .
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