Example sentences of "need [to-vb] [adv] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it also tends to recapitulate mainstream psychological theories of gender , which focus on female subjects , sexual and reproductive difference , and reduce questions about gender , finally , to the need to find out the truth about the biologically sexed subject .
2 The Institute published guidance ( no longer extant ) on the need to state clearly the addressees of reports , the purposes for which they had been prepared and to exclude purposes for which reports were not intended .
3 One reason is the need to clean up the mess in Eastern Europe left by Soviet military installations and sloppily run Communist mines and factories .
4 Was this driven by the need to ship out the occupants of the decaying and unviable institutions ?
5 Now that there was no need to keep up the charade of being in love he 'd taken his things along to his old room in another wing .
6 The commitment to whole curriculum planning and review represented in the final report suggested a need to investigate further the implications of whole school curriculum development .
7 Sociological studies have emphasised the need to investigate fully the complexities behind social problems , the need to reject the inadequate , simplistic , monocausal explanations of these phenomena often suggested by laypeople , politicians and the media .
8 Since 1979 there has been fresh emphasis on the need to roll back the frontiers of the state .
9 Does he not realise that many Members on both sides of the House and many staff who work here have to eat morning , noon and night in those cafeterias , and that there is a desperate need to take on the services of people who are qualified and at the forefront of their field in this subject ?
10 They decided that , in addition to the traditional , and largely vain , efforts to curb drug production , there is an urgent need to step up the offensive from the other end of the drugs trail .
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