Example sentences of "trying [to-vb] her [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ André 's looking forward to seeing you next week , ’ Simone interrupted her thoughts , trying to include her in the conversation .
2 Or was he just trying to provoke her into an argument for the sheer hell of it ?
3 As he stood at the door trying to persuade her of the importance of other more pressing political issues , one of her cats shot out of the door , into the road and under the wheels of a passing lorry .
4 But he was n't going to get out of it by trying to put her in the wrong .
5 Atrimonides was grabbing wildly at her , desperately flailing his hands and feet , and Cheryl realized he was trying to use her as a reaction mass to slow his own fall .
6 Sooner or later she would have found out for herself , and the interrogation would have been worse still if she 'd thought Rory was trying to keep her in the dark about such a momentous event in her life .
7 No , he was n't trying to run her off the road ; he was trying to kill her .
8 When Nora 's dress fell to her knees he pulled her swiftly to him , trying to lift her off the ground .
9 It certainly was n't because he was trying to save her from a Fate Worse than Death .
10 And also after his reconciliation with Miss Havisham , for whom he gets hurt in the process of trying to save her from the fire and also because of how he wants so much to help Herbert .
11 Retired school secretary Anne Stern , 73 , was on her way to spend Thanksgiving with relatives when two shabbily-dressed youths pulled in front of her and began trying to force her off the road .
12 He offered to tutor the girl , but after trying to teach her for a while , gave it up as he considered she was unable to focus on what she was being taught .
13 Some girls apparently continue screaming despite the fact that a number of fellows have already reached her and are trying to wrestle her to the ground .
14 The room was rippling with the sounds of their scuffle as they fought in bitter silence , knocking into wooden furniture , she trying to get away , he trying to get her to the bed until they fell against a nightstand and it crashed to the floor .
15 Mind , he 'd crashed in on the situation pretty damn quickly , stepping in and being nice to her almost before she had dried her eyes , trying to get her on the rebound .
16 ‘ She thinks they 're trying to get her into a home . ’
17 no wonder it was , me dad was trying to get her into the house and everything and she said oh well so and so 's got me key well I said I 'm not bloody phoning er their Nora
18 The moment she did so he was on her , grabbing her by the arm , so that the tray shook violently in her slippery hands , trying to drag her to the clock as he screamed , ‘ Look !
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