Example sentences of "trying [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The English were in fact trying to claim the authentic characteristics of a nation irrespective of how it was defined , including an attempt to cover English claims over Scotland and Ireland , despite the absence of any ‘ habit of unity ’ in the former case or of a shared language in the latter .
2 It is difficult , at the best of times , to balance on a broomstick , but when you are trying to carry a heavy bucket of water at the same time , it is virtually impossible .
3 Derby , with the support of Salvidge , his Liverpool henchman , was making this difficult by trying to conduct a growling inquest into the whole election strategy .
4 Look , she 'd woken up at two , three or four in the morning trying to plan a perfect system for keeping cassettes in order .
5 The problems encountered in a survey of the occupants of old people 's homes will obviously be different from those encountered in trying to interview a representative sample of ordinary adolescents .
6 Dot preferred Mrs Hollidaye 's way of talking , always trying to see the good side of things .
7 He would stand and stare into the darkness trying to see the old ruins of Caesar 's time , but not tonight , the mist was too thick .
8 Students often object to the expense of textbooks , but remember that all your friends will be trying to borrow the best textbooks from the college library .
9 Cos you 're actually trying to estimate the true cost of doing the work .
10 He sat back in his seat , his knowing eyes never leaving her , and she took a deep breath , desperately trying to steady the sudden rush of adrenalin charging round her body .
11 For the first time we are trying to preserve the historical integrity of the carvings . ’
12 For Opposition Members to suggest otherwise shows that they have either not understood the Bill or are trying to bolster a weak case with irrelevant scares .
13 She tried to keep the conversation general and without barbs but it was like trying to float a small boat in a treacherous sea .
14 The conclusion suggested by this line of argument is that accounting academics have , perhaps , been worrying too much about trying to find a short-term measure of income which is consistent with DCF .
15 As you are trying to find a new angle of vision , it is particularly important that you avoid familiar or worn-out ways of writing .
16 The operative straw seems to have been his exclusion from the inner circle during the twenty-four hours of the joint Anglo-French ultimatum , though back in August Clark had recorded quite dispassionately that ‘ a good deal of effort is going into trying to find a proper pretext for taking military action .
17 The African National Congress accused the government of trying to find a military solution to a political problem .
18 Sorry , I 'm trying to find the right bit of paper .
19 Still , in true Wolverton style , trying to find the ultimate answer to the problem , the second type reverted to the experimental model .
20 All the balloons were up in the Channel when we finally got there , and we dodged all around them trying to find the closest field in England .
21 I mean we use Standard Life , we use Clerical , we use most of the major groups , erm but it 's always a matter of trying to find the best contract at the time .
22 Asked where he 's been since he and Stephen Luscombe went their separate ways , the man who once lived on the ceiling claims : ‘ Apart from trying to find the best dog in the world , I 've worked on film scores , including one for an animated film , several pieces for Channel 4 documentaries as well as the incidental music for a Radio 4 play .
23 Some of the tapes we receive arrive on dodgy cassettes , have various bits and pieces of other music on them , and we have to waste time trying to find the relevant bit of the tape .
24 As well as looking messy , this means that trying to find the next step in the process is somewhat disruptive of the reading process , and hence , possibly , to retention of the information .
25 Accordingly , Barth plays with multiple notions of plot : love intrigue ; a character trying to find the historical pattern in his family 's lives ; and textual ordering .
26 Since she was rejected last year , the council has been trying to find an alternative service for the island .
27 He dedicated his life trying to find an appropriate architecture for his country which was realistic and integral to that society .
28 Later scholars contented themselves with trying to find an abstract basis on which gender might turn out to be logical after all .
29 This meant that Adorno in particular tended to project science as something exterior and exclusively instrumental ; he reacted against it , as well as ‘ objective ’ reason generally , by trying to retrieve the individual subject as the means to salvation .
30 She had been trying to marshal a persuasive line of argument in her mind .
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